

Petre may refer to:

People with the given name Petre:

* Charles Petre Eyre (1817-1902), English Roman Catholic prelate
* Ion Petre Stoican (circa 1930-1990), Romanian violinist
* Marian Petre Miluţ (born 1955), Romanian politician, engineer and businessman
* Petre Crowder (1919-1999), British Conservative politician and barrister
* Petre Dumitrescu (1882-1950), Romanian general during World War II
* Petre Gruzinsky (1920-1984), Georgian poet
* Petre Ispirescu (1830-1887), Romanian printer and publicist
* Petre Mais (1885-1975), English writer and broadcaster
* Petre Marin (born 1973), Romanian footballer
* Petre Mitu (born 1977), former Romanian rugby union footballer
* Petre Nicolae (21st century), Romanian actor
* Petre P. Carp (1837-1919), Romanian conservative politician and literary critic
* Petre Popeangă (born 1944), Romanian politician
* Petre Roman (born 1946), Romanian politician
* Petre S. Aurelian (1833-1909), Romanian politician
* Petre Tsiskarishvili (born 1974), Georgian politician

People with the surname Petre:

* Bernard Henry Philip Petre, 14th Baron Petre (1858-1908), husband of Etheldreda Mary Clark
* Cristian Petre (born 1979), Romanian rugby union player
* Edward Petre (1631-1699), English Jesuit and privy councillor
* Florentin Petre (born 1976), Romanian footballer
* Francis Petre (1847-1918), prominent New Zealand-born architect
* John Petre, 1st Baron Petre (1549-1613), Lord-Lieutenant of Essex
* John Petre, 18th Baron Petre (born 1942), Lord-Lieutenant of Essex
* Kay Petre (1903-1994), early motor racing star
* Maria Petre (born 1951), Romanian politician and economist
* Maude Petre (1863-1942), British Roman Catholic nun, writer and critic
* Ovidiu Petre (born 1982), Romanian football player
* William Petre (1505-1572), public servant
* William Petre, 4th Baron Petre (1626-1684), victim of the Popish Plot

ee also

* Baron Petre
* Peter
* Petr
* Petra (disambiguation)
* Petre Bay
* Petri
* Petro (disambiguation)
* Petru
* Turville-Petre

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