Juvenile Liaison

Juvenile Liaison

"Juvenile Liaison 1" (1975) and "Juvenile Liaison 2" (1990) are documentary films by Nick Broomfield about a juvenile liaison project in Blackburn, Lancashire. The first film examines a series of children and their run-ins with the law, over minor wrongdoings such as apple theft. The second film revisits some of the characters from the first, in some sort of attempt to measure the success of the scheme.

After its production, the first film was banned by the BFI for many years. Furthermore, Sargeant Rey, a police officer who takes a child into a dark cell and tells him this is where he will end up, was condemned by most, his career essentially coming to an end as a direct result of the film.

ee also

*Youth rights

External links

* [http://www.nickbroomfield.com/juvenile.html Official website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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