Eugene Amandus Schwarz

Eugene Amandus Schwarz

Eugene Amandus Schwarz (1844, Silesia- 1928) was an American entomologist who specialised in Coleoptera. He studied entomology in Europe then left for the U.S.A. in 1872 where he joined the courses of Hermann August Hagen (1817-1893) at the University of Harvard. Later, he made a scientific voyage to the American West with John Lawrence LeConte (1825-1883) and travelled notably with Charles Valentine Riley (1843-1895). In 1878, he obtained a post with the Department of Agriculture, a function he kept until his death in 1928. He exercised a great influence on many American entomologists. He was a member of the Washington Entomological Society, the Washington Biologists Field Club and the Entomological Society of America. He played a very important role in the organisation of the insect collections of the National Museum of Natural History.


* [ Biographie du Smithsonian Institution Archives]

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