Kyōran Kazoku Nikki

Kyōran Kazoku Nikki

. He has clearly stated to Kyōka that he is unable to love someone, yet he does treasure the family and likes her (which made her blush). But later in the series, Ouka developed feelings for Vannessa (or Kyoka), and realized what love is really like.

;Nihongo|Ginka Midarezaki|乱崎 銀夏|Midarezaki Ginka:The 'eldest son' of Midarezaki family. He is twenty-three years old and has gender identity disorder. He enjoys dressing as a female and often talks in a feminine manner. He also works at local okama bar 'Virgo' under the name of Nihongo|'Silver Fox'|ぎんぎつね|Ginkitsune. He was originally a member of yakuza clan named Kizakura, but ran away when a girl he loved was killed by his family. His original name is Nihongo|Ginichi Kizakura|黄桜 銀一|Kizakura Gin'ichi. He once met Chika in person a long time ago, and made a promise with her which eventually leads her to join the Midarezaki family. After all the "training" Chika has put him through, he has seemed to have developed an affection for pain.

;Nihongo|Yūka Midarezaki|乱崎 優歌|Midarezaki Yūka:The nine-year-old 'eldest daughter' (second daughter after the end of the first book) of Midarezaki family. Comes from Nihongo|'Demon's Family'|鬼の一家|Oni no Ichi Zoku Himemiya, she was continuously abused by her family according to their tradition called 'Solitary Doll', especially by her biological sister. Despite her past, she has a very calm and gentle personality. Her original name is Nihongo|Reiko Himemiya|姫宮 零子|Himemiya Reiko. She now lives her life as a middle school girl and is friends with a fellow student Yamamoto, who tries to bribe her with pudding (hinting that it might be her favorite food) to help him with his test. She also seems to have a strong attachment to her father Ouka as she likes it when he compliments her on how cute she looks with sometimes being the first question she asks is "Do you think Father will think I'm cute in it?". It also seems because of this, she is the one most traumatized by any idea to where Ouka will leave the family: from joining in on odd family schemes to drinking all the water in the house to keep an alien, who she believed Ouka was cheating on Kyouka with, dehydrated which would have killed the alien.

;Nihongo|Teika Midarezaki|乱崎 帝架|Midarezaki Teika:The seven-year-old 'second son' of the Midarezaki family. He is a lion, and known as the last connection to 'the Brown Emperor', giving him the ability to talk to any animal and even order them. He talks in an archaic manner, and he is very proud of himself as a lion. He is also very fond of Yūka who is commonly found riding or cuddling herself on top of him. He usually refers to his siblings as Honorable Sister or Honorable Brother.

;Nihongo|Hyōka Midarezaki|乱崎 雹霞|Midarezaki Hyōka:The three-year-old 'youngest son' of the Midarezaki family. He is a biological weapon made from the flesh of Enka that bears the name of Nihongo|'The Black Thirteenth'|黒の十三番|Kuro no Jyūsanban. Three years ago, he destroyed the laboratory where he was made and ran away, and it seems that he is currently suppressing his past memories. According to his creator, he was once also referred to as 'Robes'. In a speech to Yūka, he tells her that every member of the Midarezaki family is between 'Heaven and Hell', not being able to tread in either. He enjoys watching television and seems to be the only one that can eat Kyōka meals (but this could be due to the fact he doesn't have a stomach or taste buds). He has a brother that has been dubbed as Dekamelon by Kyōka, almost a green version of Hyoka with a running gag that something happens right before he can say his real name. He has feelings for Takanashi Kiriko, which were later revealed to be mutual but she doesn't want for their relationship to start till after she has found herself.

;Nihongo|Gekka Midarezaki|乱崎 月香|Midarezaki Gekka:The 'youngest daughter' of the Midarezaki family. She is a jellyfish, however, she is able to do things that are unusual for a normal jellyfish such as writing letters, changing her body's color according to her feelings or shooting lightning as an attack. The sub-director of Supernatural Phenomenon Treatment Bureau's operation department went fishing, caught her and DNA-tested her for fun, and it turned out that a mere jellyfish actually has Enka's DNA, so she became a member of 'Cozy Family Operation'. Her real name is Nihongo|'Warave'|ワラビー and her exact age is unknown (although she mentions having lived for over 1,000 years in the third episode of the anime). She has various other forms which she takes from time to time, such as the giant seamonster/squid Kraken who is summoned by speaking her name. Occasionally a dark-haired female with crescent-shaped insignia, dressed in a manner of Heian period, appears in the book, and it is believed by some family members that she is Gekka. This form of her was introduced in the sixth episode of the anime, where she scolds her family for leaving her behind before sending them all home from a deserted island. The family have no recollection of this occurring due to Gekka have wiped their memory. It is later discovered that she is actually the god of the planet Ocean, like its name an entire planet covered in water. She created a water-like species from her own body because she was the only living being on that planet. She left the planet when Gouykouou came to her planet wishing for her hand in marriage. At first she turned him down but after he came again she told him she would give him an answer in a thousand years.

;Nihongo|Chika Midarezaki|乱崎 千花|Midarezaki Chika:Formerly known as Nihongo|Senko Himemiya|姫宮 千子|Himemiya Senko, she is Yūka's biological sister and is the last one to join the Midarezaki family. She was the former 'Solitary Doll' before Yūka was born. After Yūka became the next 'Solitary Doll', she tortured her in various ways and even gave money to her classmates to bully her. However, she remembered the promise with Ginichi Kizakura, now Ginka Midarezaki, and regrets her wrongdoings. She actually doesn't have Enka's DNA, but she becomes a member of 'Cozy Family Operation' by Kyōka's ability. Now she is constantly found by Ginka's side, whom she has had a crush on since childhood. She is frequently trying to make him manly again via failed attempts to seduce him, and trying to make him act more manly, whether he wants to or not. She calls Kyoka Neko-san. At the moment she lives like a normal high school girl and is the head student (not of her own free will as she beat up, in self defense, the current head), but even though she tries to avoid her "responsibilities" she cares very dearly for her friends and orchestrates a raid on a yakuza compound to save her friend. She is well endowed and the female cast seem to be jealous (especially Kyouka as she has the body of a child and can't get Ouka's attention).


;Nihongo|Shiruku Kirisaki (aka Grim Reaper III)|霧岬 知紅 (死神 三番)|Kirisaki Shiruku (Shinigami Sanban): An operative of the Supernatural Phenomenon Treatment Bureau along with Ouka, she works as a monster slayer and is the adopted daughter of the Vice head of the buruea. Her real name is Shiruku Kirisaki, gaining the title of Grim Reaper III (but referred to as Grim Reaper for short) after slaying 1000 monsters; wearing a skull mask as proof. It's shown that her face has a large burn around her right eye due to a monster hunting that went bad. She seems to have feelings for Ouka with their similar quality towards their inability to love someone, getting into a fight and nearly killing Kyōka. She first met Ouka after she was brought to the Supernatural Phenomenon Treatment Bureau when a supernatural phenomenon wiped out her village, leaving her as the only survivor. She nearly killed Ouka without mercy if it wasn't for his fast reflexes but soon joined up with a pink haired Grim Reaper (Grim Reaper II). She fights with a katana and talks cheerfully, especially when it's about slaying monsters and makes the sound kuhuhu when giggling. She also seems to go after anyone if by misunderstanding (like when she and her father were naked after turning back into humans and she chased him shouting "hentai").

;Nihongo|Akeru Nishikura|西倉 明|Nishikura Akeru: Better known as the name Pierre dubbed to him by Kyoka, he is first seen in episode 5 running a 5-star hotel in the middle of an uninhabited island. Ouka was easily able to tell that the hotel was created by the Bureau and Pierre is actually an agent, as Pierre confirmed that he is from the 2nd Research Department and accepted this mission since he believed that he was only slowing the research team down with his presence, thanking Kyoka for the chance of actually being useful (and thankful for the nickname, so far being the only character that has enjoyed the name given to them by Kyouka). He also occasionally cooks delicious meals and now has one of the monkeys from the island as his bodyguard. He has a habit of getting easily nervous and trips over nothing.

;Nihongo|Dr. Gebok|ドクター・ゲボック|Doctor Gebokku: The only villain that has appeared in more than one episode. He was one of the original scientists that worked on Black Thirteen but was killed when Hyōka destroyed the lab and made his escape. Dr. Gebok came back to life with the help of technology as his new body is mainly wires, a drill for a right hand, clamp on the left and a helmet. He is currently trying to get Black Thirteen back to his side so he could further study him. For evil deeds he has done Dr. Gebok set it up to where Hyōka killed his only friend (which turned out to be the older sister to Musume) without his knowledge (assuming this it what led Hyōka to destroy the lab), created a drug that turns humans into animals, and has set up a lot of attacks on the Cozy Family with the hope that they will give Hyōka back to him.

;Nihongo|Gen'ichirō Hanayama|花山 厳一郎|Hanayama Gen'ichirō: Vise-head of the Supernatural Phenomenon Treatment Bureau and Measures. He seems to be one of the most level headed of all the characters in this show and comes to warn the Cozy Family of Hiratsuka Raichou return. Grim Reaper (III) refers to him as Papa, but since it was informed earlier that her family is dead she looks up to him as her father, but isn't above slugging him if he ticks her off or is embarrassed.

;Nihongo|Spider the Ninja|≪蜘蛛≫|Kumo: A ninja that makes his appearance in episode 14 that works for Hiratsuka Raichou, more or less as her personal servant, in the Bureau. Not much is known about him except he talks in a hyper tone, has six swords on his back in the form of spider legs with a spider-like abdomen for his webs, and wears an eye guard with eight dots on them. He likes to tease Raichou by stating she will get fat for how much she eats. In reality, he is actually Wakarazunomiya Million's direct subordinate and is serving Raichou to watch over her work.

;Nihongo|Raichou Hiratsuka|平塚 雷蝶|Hiratsuka Raichou: The Head of the Supernatural Phenomenon Treatment Bureau as well as known by being its greatest traitor, the Bureau's biggest mistake, and by Ouka as "The Empire's Terrorist". She is the young butterfly girl (codenamed: Electric Butterfly) that cameos in almost every episode as a background character up until episode 13. At the moment it is unknown to what she has done but Ouka states that "even the death sentence wasn't enough". She usually acts and talks innocently but is very cryptic and seems as everything she does has an ulterior motive; even frightening Chika with her presence alone. She will appear at random and give some kind of test to the Cozy Family, but if they refuse she has gone as far as threatening Kyouka that she would fire Ouka and remove him from Operation Cozy Family if they don't accept the mission. A running gag is most of the time she is about to eat some special sweet right before something happens that ruins it and is rarely seen without eating some kind of candy (where even with everytime the scene moved away and back to here she is eating something different). She is named after the feminist writer Raicho Hiratsuka.

;Nihongo|Wakarazunomiya Million: She owns the company Wakarazunomiya, where with its great influence and financial power got Raichou Hiratsuka to be the Head of the Bureau. So far her face has yet to be seen and wears a very large dress with long curled golden hair. Chika in the past referred to her as her older sister and from everyone that would abuse her through Solitary Doll she was the only one that never harmed her. However this only terrified Chika, wondering what Million could be planning to do to her since she was nice to her, so scared she tried to train a monster she found in the woods to kill her. At the moment she appears to be the real power behind the Bureau, but it has yet been explained what she is up to.

;Nihongo|Gouyokuou: An alien from an unknown planet who fell in love with Gekka 1000 years ago. He came to her planet where she originally turned him down but then told him that she will give him an answer in 1000 years and left her planet in his care. He is the alien the Cozy Family is sent out to deal with, as the alien eggs that rained down on the planet was a way for him to acquire nourishment. He appears weak, trying his best to understand the earthling customs, but he is extremely powerful as if one of the pins protruding from his back are removed he can destroy several blocks by accident; however, if they are all removed he can easily destroy a planet. At the moment he is waiting on earth for Gekka to return with her answer.

;Nihongo|Oasis: She is a young female alien with long braided blue hair which has a large eyeball at the end from the planet Ocean (which looks very similar to Jupiter) that had come to Earth to figure out the to meaning of the word 'love'. Through bad information from Raichou the family mistakes this alien to be the "weak looking but very powerful alien" and do their best to try to teach her the meaning of love so she would leave. However, through a mixture of confusion and coincidence it appears she is having an affair with Ouka (sneaking into his bathtub, kissing him at night (which was actually in her mind a life threatening situation to make him wake up as she was sucking out his juices)). Even though her body looks like that of a normal human she has no skin and is made up entirely of water (because of this she gets dehydrated quite often) and can even morph her appearance into weapons. It is stated by Ouka that she reminds him a lot of Kyouka.

;Nihongo|Kyupi Do|キューピー=ドゥー|: A servant to Kyouka back when she was ruling the underground empire Shangri-La. Even now she is still fiercely loyal to her, referring to Kyouka as Bakka Kyoukya which means My Master (some of the characters mistaken it as Baka Kyouka, meaning stupid Kyouka). She has very dark skin, wears a lon-cloth, a mask over her mouth, and markings all over her body. She wishes for Kyouka to return back to Shangri-La but after she says no Kyupi tries to kill Ouka as she believes he is keeping her away from them. However, Kyouka later explains that even though she was being worshiped like a god she felt no warmth, telling Kyupi that she wasn't forced into Operation Cozy Family and joined it because "even a god needs love too."



There are 9 different theme music with 1 opening theme and 8 other ending themes. The 8 different ending themes are sung by each of the 8 main characters. The order of ending scenes/songs broadcasted differs in each TV station. [citeweb|url=|title=List of "Kyōran Kazoku Nikki" ending themes|publisher=Anime News Network|accessdate=2008-06-20] The song will be played is randomly selected on its internet radio show each week.

Opening Theme


Ending Themes


Main novels:
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Ichi Satsume (ISBN 4757722907)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Ni Satsume (ISBN 475772358X)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki San Satsume (ISBN 4757724330)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Shi Satsume (ISBN 4757726201)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Go Satsume (ISBN 4757728271)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Roku Satsume (ISBN 4757728689)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Shichi Satsume (ISBN 4757734203)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Hachi Satsume (ISBN 4757736337)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Kyuu Satsume (ISBN 4757741324)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Juu Satsume (ISBN 4757743319)

Extra novels:
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Bangai Sono Ichi (ISBN 4757730322)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Bangai Sono Ni (ISBN 4757738544)
#Kyōran Kazoku Nikki Bangai Sono San (ISBN 4757741723)


External links

* [ Official Anime Site] ja icon
* [ Kyōran Kazoku Nikki] at the Anime News Network Encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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