Abdul Rahman (GC)

Abdul Rahman (GC)

Infobox Military Person
name=Abdul Rahman

born=1921 or 1922
died= 22 February 1945
placeofbirth=Montgomery, British India (modern Pakistan)
placeofdeath=Kletek, Java
branch=Indian Army
rank=Havildar (ie.: Sgt.)
unit=3rd Bn, 9th Jat Regiment
Havildar Abdul Rahman was posthumously awarded the George Cross, the highest British (and Commonwealth) award for bravery out of combat. He was awarded the decoration for the gallantry he showed in attempting an aircrash rescue on the 22nd of February, 1945 in Kletek in Java.LondonGazette
issue= 37717
date= 10 September 1946
startpage= 4507
] He was serving with the 3rd Battalion of the 9th Jat Regiment in the Indian Army which had fought in the Battle of Cauldron against Rommel's forces and saw action at Imphal in 1943. His award was announced in the London Gazette of the 10th of September, 1946. cite web
title=Abdul Rahman, GC
publisher=George Cross database
] . His surname is sometimes spelled "Rehman".


ee also

List of George Cross recipients

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