- Louise Lind-af-Hageby
Emilie Augusta Louise "Lizzy" Lind-af-Hageby (1878–
December 26 ,1963 ), usually known as Louise or Lizzy, was a Swedish countess, feminist andanimal rights advocate. [http://www.animaldefencetrust.org/history.php "History"] , Animal Defence Trust, retrievedDecember 11 ,2007 ]Lind-af-Hageby, who moved to Britain to study medicine in or around 1900, was best known as president of the "Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society", which she founded in 1903.Ryder, Richard D. "Animal Revolution: Changing Attitudes Towards Speciesism", p. 135.] [Note founding date discrepancy between Ryder (1906) and the ADT official website (1903).] She was also president of the London Spiritualist Alliance from 1935 until 1943.Phillimore, Mercy. [http://www.anna-kingsford.com/english/Other_Related_Works/Texts/OOR-I-EmilieAugusta.htm "Emilie Augusta Louise Lind-af-Hageby"] , Light, Vol. LXXXIV, nº. 3.456, 1964.]
She first came to public attention in 1903 with the publication of "The Shambles of Science", in which she and a fellow anti-vivisectionist wrote about the practice of
vivisection at University College, London, alleging dogs were operated on and dissected withoutanaesthesia , in front of audiences of medical students. The book, based on her diary as a student at theLondon School of Medicine for Women , led to theBrown Dog affair , a political controversy about vivisection in England that raged from 1903 until 1910. The affair led to the British government setting up a royal commission on vivisection, and the introduction of new legislation.ee also
Brown Dog affair Notes
Further reading
*Gålmark, Lisa "Women Antivivisectionists, The Story of Lizzy Lind af Hageby and Leisa Schartau. Sydney: D. Russell, 2000
*Elston, M.A. [http://oxforddnb.com/index/101040998/ "Lind-af-Hageby, (Emilie Augusta) Louise (1878–1963)"] , "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography", first published Sept 2004 (requires subscription).
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