Yos Por

Yos Por

Yos Por, a Cambodian communist politician.

In 1963 Por was one of 40 Hanoi-based Khmers who travelled to China for a 4-year political training course. In the midst of the Cultural Revolution, Por chosed to leave China in 1967.Kiernan, Ben. "How Pol Pot Came to Power". London: Verso, 1985. p. 259]

In 1970 Por was included into the Kampot (Region 35) committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. He was put in charge of Education and Information. [Kiernan, Ben. "How Pol Pot Came to Power". London: Verso, 1985. p. 319] In 1972 the party leadership around Pol Pot began targeting Khmer communists who, like Por, had stayed in Vietnam. The returnees from Vietnam were removed from party positions and many, including Por, were subjected to humiliation and accusations of revisionism. [Kiernan, Ben. "How Pol Pot Came to Power". London: Verso, 1985. p. 336]

Yos Por fled to Vietnam. [http://www.marxistarkiv.se/indokina/kambodja/kiernan-kampucheas_kp.pdf] Following the overthrow of the Pol Pot-regime, Por became the general secretary of the United Front for National Salvation of Kampuchea in 1979. He would also become the head of the PRK-USSR Friendship Association. [ [http://www.geocities.com/khmerchronology/1985.htm Chronology of Cambodian History, 1985-1989 ] ]


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