

"Hexapla" (Ἑξαπλά: Gr. for "sixfold") is the term for an edition of the Bible in six versions. Especially it applies to the edition of the Old Testament compiled by Origen of Alexandria, which placed side by side:

#Hebrew transliterated into Greek characters
#Aquila of Sinope
#Symmachus the Ebionite

The original work is now lost, but the fragments have been collected in several editions, for example that of Frederick Field (1875).

The fragments are now being re-edited (with additional materials discovered since Field's edition) by an international group of Septuagint scholars. This work is being carried out as The Hexapla Project [http://www.hexapla.org] under the auspices of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/ioscs/] , and directed by Peter J. Gentry (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Alison G. Salvesen (Oxford University), and Bas ter Haar Romeny (Leiden University).

English Hexapla

Hexapla can also refer to the English Hexapla, an edition of the Greek New testament, with six English language translations (from Wiclif's in 1380 to the Authorised version in 1611) arranged in columns underneath. The English Hexapla was published in London in 1841 by Samuel Bagster and Sons.

External links

* [http://www.archive.org/details/origenhexapla01unknuoft Full scan of Origen of Alexandria, Hexapla Vol I]
* [http://www.archive.org/details/origenhexapla02unknuoft Full scan of Origen of Alexandria, Hexapla Vol II]
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07316a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia: Hexapla]
* [http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=128&letter=O&search=Hexapla#374 Jewish Encyclopedia: Origen: His "Hexapla"]

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  • Hexapla — • Article on Origen s compilation of six ancient versions of the Bible in parallel columns, his purpose and the principles that guided his work Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hexapla     Hexapla …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • hexapla — [hek′sə plə] n. [Gr ( ta) hexapla, title of Origen s edition, lit., sixfold, neut. pl. of hexaploos, < hex, SIX + base plo < IE base * pel , * plo > FOLD1] 1. an edition having six versions arranged in parallel columns 2. [H ] Origen s… …   English World dictionary

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