

Saharet was an Australian dancer who made her New York City debut in February 1897. ["Notes Of The Week", New York Times, February 14, 1897, pg. 11.] She performed in vaudeville music houses as well as in Broadway productions. Her given name was Clarissa Rose.


Saharet appeared at Koster & Bial's Music Hall, 34th Street (Manhattan), Herald Square, New York City, [ [ Koster & Bial (Reason): American Treasures of the Library of Congress ] ] along with a troupe of whirlwind dancers, and Adele Purvis-Onri. The latter tantalized audiences with her difficult poses on a slack wire."New Variety Attractions", New York Times, March 16, 1897, pg. 9.] In a show billed "Gayest Manhattan", Saharet admirably danced a French quadrille. ["Notes Of The Week", New York Times, April 4, 1897, pg. 16.]

Theatrical producer, E.E. Rice, obtained her services for "The French Maid". ["Theatrical Gossip", New York Times, July 10, 1897, pg. 7.] During the week of September 5, 1897 she returned from Europe and danced at the Olympia Roof Garden ["Theatrical Gossip", New York Times, September 5, 1897, pg. 18.] (Jardin De Paris), Broadway (Manhattan) at 44th Street. The venue was built in 1895 and was demolished in 1935. It was called many names and was referred to as the Jardin De Paris from 1907 "-" 1911, when Florenz Ziegfeld produced the first five Ziegfeld Follies there. [] "The French Maid" was presented in October by the Herald Square Theatre, 1331 Broadway (29 W. 35th St.). [] A reviewer described Saharet as an "india rubber lady" in her rendition of a "dislocation dance"."The Drama", New York Times, October 17, 1897, pg. SM12.] The Herald Square Theatre hosted a thirtieth annual benefit to aid the charity fund of New York Lodge #1 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in November. Saharet volunteered her time, as did Anna Held and Ross and Fenton, among others. ["Theatres", New York Times, November 7, 1897, pg. 11.] She helped raise money for the mother and widow of William Hoeyat the Herald Square in December. ["The Hoey Benefit Popular", New York Times, December 3, 1897, pg. 7.] Hoey was a theatrical actor known as "Old Hoss". ["William Hoey Insane", New York Times, June 26, 1897, pg. 11.]

Saharet toured with Held as a special feature during the 1902 season. ["Gossip Of The Theatres", New York Times, August 11, 1902, pg. 7.] In April 1903 she danced at the Circle Theatre,"In Vaudeville", New York Times, April 19, 1903, pg. 26.] 1825 Broadway, [ [ Cinema Treasures | Circle Theatre ] ] before departing on a tour during which she visited Australia and Europe.

She was the star of a show at the American Music Hall, West 42nd Street (Manhattan), ["Display Ad 26--No Title", New York Times, March 17, 1909, pg. 18.] in March 1909, and was summoned to return by several curtain calls."The Vaudeville Theatres", New York Times, March 16, 1909, pg. 9.]

Artists' Model

Artist Franz von Stuck (1863 "-" 1928) painted Saharet in a painting which hangs in the Landesmuseum in Oldenburg, Germany. [ [ The dancer Saharet. - Franz von Stuck ] ] In the portrait she has light blue eyes and brown hair. She is wearing a crimson jacket, white skirt, and red slippers. There is a red rose in her hair and her dress is abundant in lace and embroidery. Saharet has on a series of long necklaces with pendants. ["In The World Of Art And Artists", New York Times, June 9, 1907, pg. SMA6.] Another painting was done by Franz von Lenbach ["The Regnant Wave Of The Sensational Dance", New York Times, August 23, 1908, pg. SM7.]


Saharet married Fritz von Frantzius, banker, broker, and art critic in 1913. They were divorced six months later. von Frantzius died of heart disease at the age of 54. He was born in Sawdin, West Prussia, and left an estate worth $11,250,000 when he died in January 1917."F. von Frantzius Dies; Left $11,250,000", New York Times, January 9, 1917, pg. 3.] Saharet was once married to New York theatrical man, Isaac Rose. In January 1916 he was removed from the ocean liner SS Rotterdam, and charged by English authorities with having a trunk containing German war literature. The pamphlets, newspapers, war pictures, and books were on the subject of World War I, which was then being fought. ["Isaac Rose Detained By British Officials", New York Times, January 20, 1916, pg. 2.]


External links

* [ Saharet] photographic image from the New York Public Library Digital Gallery

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