- Franz Rhode
Franz Rhode (also "Franciscus Rhodus") (died 1559 [
Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe (complete edition),Akademie Verlag , "Letters of Copernicus", [http://books.google.com/books?id=8RQp4qoHn1gC&pg=PA288&dq=rhode+danzig+%22narratio+prima%22&sig=lPIIU9rqFf-fgIbKT0qzbRALhnU] ] ) was a German printer of the 16th century.Having been active in
Marburg between 1529 and 1534, he went toHamburg in 1536 to printLatin works of the theologistUrbanus Rhegius fromCelle . In 1537 he moved his office to Danzig (Gdańsk), where he published the "Wisby'sches Waterrecht" (water law ofVisby ) in 1538, and established himself as the printer of the council and gymnasium of the town. In the winter of 1539/1540, [Leopold Friedrich Prowe : "Nicolaus Coppernicus", 1884 [http://books.google.com/books?id=to0DAAAAYAAJ&dq=rhode+danzig+%22narratio+prima%22&q=rhode&pgis=1#search] ] he printed theNarratio Prima of the young Germanastronomer Georg Joachim Rheticus , an introduction toNicolaus Copernicus ' major work, "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ", which was finally published in 1543.Afterwards, several printers named "Rhode" were active in Danzig, probably sons of Franz: Jacob, who in 1591 printed the "Hansisches Seerecht" (Hanseatic sea law), Martin, and another, younger Jacob. In Danzig, they were regarded as
scholar s, as in that time, many printer had a scientific background.References
*„Rhode, Franz“, from:
Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie , [http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/ADB:Rhode%2C_Franz]
*Lappenberg, Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Hamburg, S. XXXVII., 1840, [http://books.google.com/books?id=EygoGQAACAAJ&dq=author:Lappenberg+%22in+Hamburg%22]See also
*Johannes Gutenberg
*Movable type
*Spread of the printing press
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