Roşeni River

Roşeni River

Geobox River
name = Roşeni River
native_name =
other_name =
other_name1 =

image_size =
image_caption =
country_type = Countries
state_type =
region_type =
district_type = Counties
city_type = Villages
country = Romania
country1 =
state =
state1 =
region =
region1 =
district = Neamţ County
district1 =
city = Roşeni
city1 =
length =
watershed =
discharge_location =
discharge =
discharge_max =
discharge_min =
discharge1_location =
discharge1 =
source_name =
source_location = Bistriţa Mountains
source_district =
source_region =
source_state =
source_country =
source_lat_d =
source_lat_m =
source_lat_s =
source_lat_NS =
source_long_d =
source_long_m =
source_long_s =
source_long_EW =
source_elevation =
source_length =
mouth_name = Bistriţa
mouth_location = Lake Izvorul Muntelui near Roşeni
mouth_district =
mouth_region =
mouth_state =
mouth_country =
mouth_lat_d =
mouth_lat_m =
mouth_lat_s =
mouth_lat_NS =
mouth_long_d =
mouth_long_m =
mouth_long_s =
mouth_long_EW =
mouth_elevation =
tributary_left =
tributary_left1 =
tributary_right =
tributary_right1 =
free =
free_type = Official River Code

map_size =
map_caption =

The Roşeni River is a tributary of the Bistriţa River in Romania. It flows into Lake Izvorul Muntelui.


* Administraţia Naţională Apelor Române - Cadastrul Apelor - Bucureşti
* Institutul de Meteorologie şi Hidrologie - Rîurile României - Bucureşti 1971


* Harta Munţii Bistriţei []
* Harta Munţii Ceahlău []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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