- 2010 Youth Olympics bids
Olympic bid|2010|Youth
winner = Singapore
votes1 =
runner-up = Moscow
votes2 =
shortlisted1 =
shortlisted2 =
venue = NA (by postal vote)
1stBid =26 October 2007
shortlist =19 November 2007
decision =21 February 2008 The Bidding for the
2010 Youth Olympics Games began in August 2007, to which nine cities presented their candidature files. In the competition to host the inauguralYouth Olympic Games in 2010, the list was shortened to five in November 2007. The list was further shortened to two in January 2008--Moscow and Singapore. [http://www.gamesbids.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?category=1&id=1200917900 IOC Selects Moscow and Singapore To Youth Olympic Games Short List] ]Moscow was the highest rated city in the evaluation report, but may have been disadvantaged due to the win by Russian city
Sochi to host the2014 Winter Olympics . [ [http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/320903/1/.html Olympics: Singapore favourites for Youth Olympics: IOC member] ] Singapore also had a very high evaluation and had a possible geographical advantage, being situated in a region (Southeast Asia) which had never hosted.Singapore was announced as the host city on
21 February 2008 after a tally of a postal vote. [ [http://www.olympic.org/uk/news/olympic_news/full_story_uk.asp?id=2491 Singapore to host the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010] ]Process
Cities interested in hosting the games had to have their applications confirmed by their respective
National Olympic Committee s and submitted to theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) byAugust 31 2007 . OnSeptember 3 , nine cities were confirmed as official applicants by the Committee.cite news |url=http://www.olympic.org/uk/news/olympic_news/full_story_uk.asp?id=2307 |title=YOG appeal: 11 cities want to stage first edition in 2010 |date=2007-09-03 |accessdate=2007-09-03] They were later acknowledged as completing the questionnaire dueOctober 26 2007 . A shortlist of five cities was announced onNovember 19 . [ [http://www.gamesbids.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?category=1&id=1195481825 Five Cities Make Cut For 2010 Youth Olympic Games] ]Although it was planned to have an evaluation committee visit the shortlisted cities in December,cite news |title=Youth Olympics candidates to be nominated by end of August |url=http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/92157.html |work=Earthtimes.org |date= 2007-08-10|accessdate=2007-08-17 ] eventually each city presented a video conference on December 13th. As the IOC predicted, they further eliminated some of the cities before the final stage. [ [http://www.gamesbids.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?category=1&id=1197390640 List Of 2010 Youth Olympic Games Finalists Could Be Shortened] ]
The IOC has stressed that the main goal of these games is not competition, but education based on Olympic values.cite news |title=No kidding: Teens to get Youth Olympic Games |url=http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/2007-04-25-2774646336_x.htm |publisher=
USA Today |accessdate=2007-05-19] The host city, therefore, should not have to build new venues for the occasion, but rather use existing infrastructure for the games.cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/other_sports/6467087.stm |title=Rogge wants Youth Olympic Games |date=2007-03-19 |publisher=BBC Sport |accessdate=2007-05-19] Still, the games would include anOlympic village and protocols which would prepare young athletes for future Olympic competition.cite news |url=http://english.cri.cn/2886/2007/04/25/1221@220491.htm |title=IOC to Introduce Youth Olympic Games in 2010 |date=2007-04-25 |accessdate=2007-05-20]The risks of quickly preparing for the first edition of the event was a major factor in selection of the final candidates. There will only be two-and-a-half years to organize the Games, but Games with longer lead times may allow some of the non-selected cities to bid for future Games.
An evaluation committee viewed a video conference presentation from each city in December 2007. In January, the short list was reduced from five to two, Moscow and Singapore.
When the result of the final postal tally was revealed, Singapore won the right to host the Games over Moscow in a tally of 53-44.
IOC evaluation report
Moscow — scored 7.5 to 8.5
*flagicon|SingaporeSingapore — scored 7.4 to 7.9 (bid details)
*flagicon|GreeceAthens — scored 6.2 to 7.2 (bid details)
*flagicon|ThailandBangkok — scored 5.5 to 6.7
*flagicon|ItalyTurin — scored 5.7 to 6.3
*flagicon|MalaysiaKuala Lumpur — scored 4.5 to 5.9
*flagicon|HungaryDebrecen — scored 4.1 to 5.3
*flagicon|PolandPoznań — scored 4.1 to 5.2
*flagicon|GuatemalaGuatemala City — scored 2.8 to 3.9Athens (Greece ) ,Bangkok (Thailand ), andTurin (Italy ) were three bid cities which made it to the short list, but were later eliminated in January 2008. Although Athens' bid had sentiment and state of the art venues from its recent hosting of the2004 Summer Olympics , [cite web | title = Athens2010 Youth Olympic Bid | url=http://www.athens2010yog.com/whyathens.asp | accessdate = 2008-02-22 | year = 2008 ] its bid was ultimately eliminated for having a very high budget (US$273 million) and having events too far from the central sites. Bangkok was praised for its accommodations and facilities, [ [http://www.gamesbids.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?category=1&id=1193758636 Bangkok 2010 Youth Olympic Games Bid Wants Business Support] Retrieved 2008-02-22] but like Athens, the venues were too spread out and the nation was also experiencing some political unstability. Its budget was also considered inadequate.Turin 's plan was somewhat impressive, but a proposed $304 million Olympic Village would not be constructed in time, effectively ending the bid.Evaluation breakdown
Each cell of the table provides a minimum and a maximum figure obtained by the applicant city on the specific criteria. The graphs are rounded off to the nearest whole number. [http://video.olympic.org/http/YOG_2010_Panel_report_ENG.pdf]
Non-selected applicant cities
Non-finalised applicant cities
* flagicon|Algeria
Algiers ,Algeria - Algiers did not complete the questionnaire due onOctober 26 , thereby dropping out of the race. [ [http://www.gamesbids.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?category=1&id=1193674226 Nine Cities Submit Bids For 2010 Youth Olympic Games] ]
* flagicon|SerbiaBelgrade ,Serbia - OnSeptember 19 , during an IOC workshop inLausanne , the Serbian Olympic Committee announced that Belgrade was withdrawing its bid, opting instead to bid for the 2014 Youth Olympics. [cite news|title=2010 Youth Olympic Bid Cities Attend IOC Workshop |url=http://www.gamesbids.com/cgi-bin/news/viewnews.cgi?category=1&id=1190213515|work=gamesbids.com |date= 2007-09-19|accessdate=2007-09-19 ]
* flagicon|Mexico Guadalajara,Mexico - showed initial interest. [http://www.gamesbids.com/english/bids/2010yo.shtml 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games Bids ] ]
* flagicon|GermanyHamburg ,Germany - showed initial interest.
* flagicon|PortugalLisbon ,Portugal - showed initial interest.References
External links
Host city
* [http://www.singapore2010.sg/ Singapore 2010 Official site]
Out of the race cities
* [http://www.athens2010yog.com/default.asp Athens 2010 Official site]
* [http://www.bangkok2010.com/ Bangkok 2010 Official site]
* [http://www.2010debrecen.com/ Debrecen 2010 Official site]
* [http://www.moscowyog2010.com/ Moscow 2010 Official site]IOC reports
* [http://video.olympic.org/http/YOG_2010_Panel_report_ENG.pdf IOC Panel of Experts Report (November 8, 2007)]
* [http://multimedia.olympic.org/pdf/en_report_1274.pdf IOC Evaluation of five Shortlisted Cities]
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