Steve Holter

Steve Holter

Steve Holter (Steven Anthony Holter) is a well known figure in the field of motoring and motorsport media.

Born in Eastbourne, Sussex (UK) on Christmas Day 1959, Holter was introduced to the history of the motor car by his father, with the gift of a toy car on his seventh birthday. He has often been quoted as saying that one of the last things he remembers doing with his father, was watching Donald Campbell’s last fatal run in Bluebird, on January 4 1967, just days before his father died, stating that, “as a young boy the two events became inextricably linked”.

Holter was educated at Hampden Park Infants School, Highfield Primary School and Hampden Park Secondary Modern (1971 to 1976). He then attended Eastbourne College of Art (1976 to 1978) to study automotive body styling and Aerodynamics. From here he went on to work for Caffyns Ltd, a Sussex based Rolls-Royce dealer, completing a four year apprenticeship in 1982. He also completed courses in Management, Advanced Management, Vehicle Knowledge, Warranty, Administration, Customer Services, Public Relations Retail and Trade Legal Administration, Crash analysis, Vehicle Construction, passing all at either credit or distinction.

At the same time, he became interested in motor racing, persuading the father of a friend to allow him to try a (go) kart at the age of nine, in which he showed a natural aptitude. Over the following years he was able to drive many types of vehicle from single seater racing cars, articulated lorries to chain driven Edwardian cars and motor cycles.

On completion of his apprenticeship he worked at various garages in Sussex, while maintaining his connection with British amateur motor racing, until he became curator of the Campbell Hall of Speed, at the Filching Manor Motor Museum where he started to research and write histories of the exhibits, as well as driving them at various events. It was this that opened the door to his career in television, writing and researching for various documentaries while also appearing and presenting in several.

From here he went on to MDG Cargo, a company with two fields of interest, both of which were ideal for Holter’s talents. One department, Mulbrooks, was involved in the location and recovery of historic aircraft, including those shot down during World War Two, for collectors in the U.S, while the other ran a successful freight forwarding business, specialising in the transportation of musical equipment for various artists while on tour.

From here, Holter was able to use all of his accumulated knowledge and skills, from motor sport, history, writing and researching, television and management, when he went to work for Bernie Ecclestone’s Formula One Management, in the digital broadcasting of Formula One, Grand Prix racing.

He currently shares his time between his home, in Belves, France, and the UK, writing and presenting “Yesterdays Racers”, and writing car and bike road tests for English News, and writing television programme outlines for MGM Productions.

His most recent publication “Leap into Legend” a biography of Donald Campbell, was published by Sigma Press, in October 2002, and has already become a much sought after title.

Holter has been involved in the testing and development of many prototype vehicles, due to his varied background in both driving and writing, and he is known for his near photographic memory, analytical methods, but also his humour when presenting to camera. He is also a member of MENSA.

Leisure Interests

Holter started kart racing at the age of nine retiring from motorsport in 1982 having raced in 125cc and 250 E karting, Formula Ford, Formula Ford 2000, 2000 sports, Endurance racing (saloons and sports prototype) and Formula 3. On joining Filching Manor he drove in historic races and demonstrations as well as testing and sorting restored cars including Bugatti, Lotus, Ferrari, McLaren (Can-Am) and Shadow (F1). He has had several books published, the most recent on the subject of The Campbell family, with histories of the land, water and air speed records. He currently rides a Ducati 906 PASO, and still participates in kart racing, and helps out with the running of several races cars, including test and set up work. He is currently researching two new books.

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