- Gregory Edwards
Gregory Edwards (January 19, 1981-?) is a
contemporary artist who lived inNew York City andFrankfurt ,Germany .Education
After graduating from the
School of Visual Arts in New York City (2003) he moved his studio toBrooklyn New York until April 2007 when he relocated toFrankfurt Germany . He attendedStädelschule in Frankfurt, Germany.Quotes
* Gregory Edwards shifts in and out of various modes of painting. Images are built out of autonomous systems that come from different perspectives, yet are held together by a basic empirical language. This shifting of perspectives creates a tension within the images that question any idea of truth. His paintings become characters in a
tragicomedy without an ending. [ [http://www.bellwethergallery.com/archive_01.cfm?fid=227 Psychic Reality] ] - Esme Watanabe from "Psychic Reality".* I learned eighty percent of things I would never use again and twenty percent useful knowledge and insight on what I should do with my life. From internships (paid & unpaid), community service and business classes, The High School of Economics and Finance though perceived to me as pointless, was actually very helpful in molding what I want to pursue for a career, if I had the opportunity to change anything I would not even dare, because I would not be Gregory anymore obviously. [ [http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~gte3/MGQ%20autobiography.htm "From the Life and Times of Gregory Edwards"] ] -Gregory Edwards
*Gregory Edwards has just two paintings displayed, the others have three each. The first,
Future Primitive [ [http://www.parkersbox.com/exhibitions/past/2005/iam/iam08.html Image of "Future Primitive"] ] , a close-up of a wild spotted cat, looks like a black-light poster. The highly contrasted face is painted half in red and half in turquoise, with the background done in the opposite colors. The second painting, Nobody, is a head wearing a ribbed ski mask. Done in black and white, it's surrounded by a grayish smoke that goes black at the bottom of the small canvas. Perhaps a comment on concealment, it's harder to get a read on Edward's style. [ [http://www.nypress.com/18/1/listings/ae.cfm New York Press by Julia Morton] ] -Julia Morton on "Sugar and Stress"Exhibition History
* Edwards was selected by curator Jeanne Siegel to be part of the exhibition "Diversity + Self-Identity" at the
School of Visual Arts Gallery where he displayed his process related metaphorical works. [ [http://www.schoolofvisualarts.edu/sa/index.jsp?event_id=101&page_id=139&sid0=5 Visual Arts Gallery] ]
* [http://www.fredericksfreisergallery.com/index.html Frdericks & Freiser Gallery] "Sugar and Stress" 2005 [ [http://www.nypress.com/18/1/listings/ae.cfm New York Press by Julia Morton] ]
* He exhibited at Parker's Box Galleries art fair, in a booth curated by Devon Costello in collaboration with Joymore Gallery (2005). [ [http://www.joymore.org/archive.html Parker's Box Artfair] ] [ [http://rhizome.org/discuss/view/17234/ Rhizome] ]
* Bellwether Gallery in "PSYCHIC REALITY" curated by Esme Watanabe (2006). [ [http://www.bellwethergallery.com/archive_01.cfm?PageNum_qListItemSorted=2&fid=227&doit=chklst Bellwether Gallery] ] [ [http://repellentzine.typepad.com/repellentzine/2006/01/trifecta_zoe_be.html#more "Psychic Reality" Bellwether Gallery Repellent Zine] ]
* Group exhibition at the non-Profit gallery Participant Inc. (2006). [ [http://artforum.com/diary/id=12335 Art Forum article "The Poster Project"] ] [ [http://www.janchristensen.org/details/106.htm "The Poster Project @ Participant Inc.] ] All inNew York City .
*He also exhibited inHamburg, Germany with Ritter & Staiff Gallery at HFBK Gallerie in a group show called "Post-Mass Audience Age"(2007). [ [http://www.hfbk-hamburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/newsletter/archiv/2007/newsletter_HFBK_nr42.pdf Ritter & Staiff Hamburg p.39] ] [ [http://galerie.hfbk-hamburg.de/programm_nov.html HFBK Galerie "Post-Mass Audience Age"] ]
*He was a long time collaborator with international artist Alisa Baremboym.* In 2006 he exhibited in"The Poster Project" at Printed Matter, The Kantor Feuer 10th Ave. window and at Participation Inc. in
New York City , curated by Devon Costello and Ilya Lipkin. [ [http://printedmatter.org/news/news.cfm?article_id=261 Printed matter] ]External links
* [http://repellentzine.typepad.com/repellentzine/2006/01/trifecta_zoe_be.html#more "Psychic Reality" Bellwether Gallery Repellent Zine]
* [http://www.absolutearts.com/artsnews/1999/08/14/25812.html "Symposium - Printmaking: The Collaborative Art"]
* [http://chelseaartgalleries.com/artists/E/Gregory+Edwards.html Gregory Edwards]
* [http://www.kunstaspekte.de/index.php?tid=28454&action=termin "Psychic Reality"]
* [http://www.observer.com/node/50366 New York Observer]
* [http://www.ritter-staiff.de/wir.htm Galerie Ritter & Staiff]
* [http://artforum.com/diary/id=12335 The Poster Project review in Art Forum]
* [http://www.janchristensen.org/details/106.htm The Poster Project @ Participant Inc.]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.