Etorofu class coastal defense ship

Etorofu class coastal defense ship

The "Etorofu" class coastal defense ships were a class of ships in the service of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.

The fourteen ships of the "Etorofu" class were a major part of Japan's escorts from the middle of World War II. The Japanese called them "Type A" coast defense ships, and were the second class of Kaibokan. They were called coast defense ships to denote a multi-purpose vessel. The "Etorofu"s, unlike the sclass|Shimushu|coastal defense ship|0, received more emphasis on submarine warfare.

The "Etorofu" class was initially armed with thirty-six depth charges and would later rise to 60 depth charges with a 8 cm trench mortar and six depth charge throwers. The rise of aircraft also saw the number of AA machine guns increase to 15. They would receive Type 22 and Type 13 radars and Type 93 sonar in 1943-1944.

The ships of the class were the "Etorofu, Hirado, Tsushima, Fukue, Matsuwa, Mutsure, Sado, Oki, Manju, Kanju, Iki, Amakusa, Wakamiya", and "Kasado".

Eight of the fourteen ships, "Hirado, Iki, Amakusa, Kanju, Wakamiya, Sado, Mutsure", and "Matsuwa" were sunk during the war.


* (Retrieved November 17, 2007)
* Worth, Richard, "Fleets of World War II", Da Capo Press (2001), ISBN 0-306-81116-2

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