Simian hemorrhagic fever virus

Simian hemorrhagic fever virus

Taxobox | color=violet
name = "Simian hemorrhagic fever virus"
virus_group = iv
familia = "Arteriviridae"
genus = "Arterivirus"
species = "Simian hemorrhagic fever virus"

Simian hemorrhagic fever virus or Simian haemorrhagic fever virus or SHFV, is a highly pathogenic virus in monkeys. It is a positive-stranded RNA virus classified in the family Arteriviridae.


Patas are believed to be the natural host for the virus since about 50% of wild patas monkeys have antibodies for the virus, while antibodies are much less prevalent in other simian species such as vervets and baboons. In macaques, however, infection with this virus can result in acute severe disease with high mortality.


Asymptomatic infection of the virus can occur in patas monkeys, vervet monkeys, and baboons, although it is observed primarily in patas monkeys. Infection has a rapid onset with animals developing a high fever, facial edema, cyanosis, anorexia, melena, and may begin to hemorrhage at the cutaneous, subcutaneous, and retrobulbar levels. Thrombocytopenia will develop soon after. Death usually occurs within 10-15 days after symptoms appear [Richard L. Walker, Dwight C. Hirsh, Nigel James. "Vet. Biology" Blackwell Publishing, 2004.] .


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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