- Artdc.org
[http://artdc.org Artdc.org] is an
artist collective in theWashington, DC area with over 1500artists of all mediums. Artdc.org has helped organize variousartist-run initiative projects including group shows in transitional spaces.According to their [http://artdc.org/forum/index.php?page=6 mission statement] , artdc.org aims to bridge the communication gap between artists, galleries, and collectors through its online bulletin board forums and [http://artdc.org/forum/index.php?page=17 automated galleries] as well as organizing face-to-face meetings and events. The forum provides a way to share [http://artdc.org/forum/index.php?board=5.0 techniques] , self-promote, and discuss many themes of art. This aids cross-communication between various members of the art community and helps inspire new and different forms of creativity. Artdc.org provides individuals the opportunity to network and form relationships with others, allowing a stronger community to develop.
Artdc.org has developed collaborations with local organizations through interaction including marketing, event organization, art discussion, and more. Collaborations include, but are not limited to:
* [http://artomatic.org Artomatic] - Artomatic is a month-long multimedia arts event and Organization
* [http://capfringe.org Capital Fringe Festival] - Capital Fringe, a non-profit organization, connects exploratory artists with adventurous audiences
* [http://artoutlet.org Art Outlet] - Amplifying the artist's voice.
* [http://www.dcconspiracy.com The DC Conspiracy] - A group of comic creators, writers, artists, editors, and more.
* [http://www.eightyeightdc.com 88] - A pro-active community
* [http://www.dccraftmafia.com DC Craft Mafia] - a group of diverse indie artisans.
* [http://artdc.com Studio] - an artdc.org member developed a studio in NE DC.External links
* [http://dcpaper.examiner.com/content/e-edition/2007/01/03/2/22.pdf Examiner article on artdc.org collaboration] - The showcase goes
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011002207.html?sub=AR Washington Post Article]
* [http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/display.php?id=453&navCenterTop Washington City Paper Article]
* [http://www.washingtonian.com/blogarticles/artsfun/afterhours/3912.html Washingtonian Blog]
* [http://artdc.org/forum/index.php?page=6 Artdc.org Mission Statement]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.