Anette Norberg

Anette Norberg

Anette Norberg (born November 12, 1966 in Härnösand, Sweden) is a Swedish curler from Saltsjö Boo. She, and her team are the current Olympic women's curling champions having won the 2006 Women's Curling tournament in Turin over Mirjam Ott's Swiss team.

Since her debut on the international circuit, Norberg has won seven European Curling Championships (1988, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2007) and two World Curling Championships (2005 & 2006). She also won silver medal at the 2001 Ford World Curling Championship and bronze medals in 1988, 1989, 1991 & 2003 world championships. Except when she played at third for Elisabeth Högström in the team that won the 1988 European Championship, Norberg has always played the position of skip. Her current team consists of Eva Lund (third), Cathrine Lindahl (second), Anna Svärd (lead) and Ulrika Bergman (alternate). She is married and is a chief actuary.


*Olympic Games
** 2006
*World Championships
** 2005.
** 2006.
** 2001.
** 1988.
** 1989.
** 1991.
** 2003.
*European Championships
** 1988.
** 2001.
** 2002.
** 2003.
** 2004.
** 2005.
** 2007.
** 1984.
** 1987.
** 1988.
** 1989.
** 1991.

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