- Lyonsite
Lyonsite (Cu3
Fe +34(V O 4)6) is a blackvanadate mineral that is opaque with a metallic lustre. It crystallizes in theorthorhombic crystal system . Lyonsite often occurs as small tabular typically well formedcrystals with good external form. Lyonsite has a good cleavage and a dark gray streak.Lyonsite occurs in volcano crater
fumarole . It is often associated withhowardevansite andthenardite . It was first described in 1987 for an occurrence on the Izalcovolcano ,El Salvador (Pacific area ofCentral America ). It was named formineralogist John Bartholomew Lyons ofDartmouth College . Lyons was Frederick Hall Professor of Minerology and Geology at Dartmouth College, where he taught from 1946 until 1989.References
* [http://rruff.geo.arizona.edu/doclib/hom/lyonsite.pdf Mineral Handbook]
* [http://www.webmineral.com/data/Lyonsite.shtml Webmineral]
* [http://www.mindat.org/min-2464.html Mindat]
* [http://www.nhgs.org/GSNH/TGSG.22.html#lyons]
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