Abba Jose ben Hanan

Abba Jose ben Hanan

Abba Jose ben Hanan or Abba Jose ben Hanin (Hebrew; Aramaic: Abba bar Hanan) was a tanna who lived in Judea during the first century CE. His career spanned the last decades before the destruction of the Second Temple and was a contemporary of Eliezer ben Jacob and of Hanina ben Antigonus, with both of whom he is mentioned in a halakhic discussion. [Tosefta, Sukkot iv. 15.] His name occurs also as "Abba Jose ben Hanan," or "ben Johanan" (which is erroneously followed by "ish Yerushalayim"), "Abba Joseph," and"Abba Issi." Jose's halakot are also mentioned in Sifre, Numbers 8, Mid. ii. 6, and Sotah 20b. He transmitted an aggadah of Abba Kohen Bardela [Sifre, Deut. 2.] and one of Samuel ha-Qaton. [Derekh Eretz Zuta ix.] A sentence of Jose's, rebuking the priestly families that acted violently toward the people, transmitted by Abba Saul ben Botnit, reads as follows: "Woe unto me for the house of Baithus and its rods; woe unto me for the house of Hnin and its calumnious whispering; woe unto me for the house of Qatros and its pens; woe unto me for the house of Ishmael ben Phabi and its fists." [Pesach 57a, where he is called "Abba Joseph".]

In Yebamot 53b an "Abba Jose b. Johanan" ("b. Hanan" in Rashi) is mentioned as having transmitted a halakhah of Rabbi Meir, who lived a century later. Bacher ["Ag Tan." i. 46, note 2.] therefore supposes that the author of the sentence quoted above was Abba Saul ben Botnit, and that it was transmitted by the Abba Jose of Yebamot. ["Cf., e.g.," Büchler, "Die Priester und der Cultus," p. 30.]



* [ Schechter, Solomon and M. Seligsohn. "Jose, Abba, Ben Hanin."] "Jewish Encyclopedia". Funk and Wagnalls, 1901-1906; citing::*Bacher, in "R. E. J." xxxvii. 299;:*Heilprin, "Seder ha-Dorot", ii.

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