Éric Chevillard

Éric Chevillard

Infobox Writer

imagesize = 150px
name = Éric Chevillard
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birthdate = 1964
birthplace = La Roche-sur-Yon, France
deathdate =
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occupation = Novelist
nationality = French
period =
genre = Postmodern literature
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Éric Chevillard, (born 1964 in La Roche-sur-Yon) is a French novelist. He has won awards for several novels including "La nébuleuse du crabe" in 1993 which won the Fénéon Prize for Literature.

His work often plays with the codes of narration sometimes to the degree that it is even difficult to understand which story is related in his books, and has consequently been classified as Postmodern literature. He has been noted for his associations with Les Éditions de Minuit, a publishing-house largely associated with the leading experimental writers composing in French today.


* "Mourir m'enrhume", Minuit, 1987.
* "Le démarcheur", Minuit, 1989.
* "Palafox", Minuit, 1990.
* "Le caoutchouc décidément", Minuit, 1992.
* "La nébuleuse du crabe", Minuit, 1993. (Fénéon Prize)
* "Préhistoire", Minuit, 1994.
* "Un fantôme", Minuit, 1995.
* "Au plafond", Minuit, 1997.
* "L'œuvre posthume de Thomas Pilaster", Minuit, 1999.
* "Les absences du capitaine Cook", Minuit, 2001.
* "Du hérisson", Minuit, 2002.
* "Le vaillant petit tailleur", Minuit, 2004. (Wepler Prize)
* "Scalps", Fata Morgana, 2005.
* "Oreille rouge", Minuit, 2005.
* "D'attaque", Argol, 2006.
* "Démolir Nisard", Minuit, 2006. (Roger Caillois Prize)
* "Commentaire autorisé sur l'état de squelette", Fata Morgana, 2007.
* "Sans l'orang-outan", Minuit, 2007.

External links

* [http://www.eric-chevillard.net Official site]
* [http://www.leseditionsdeminuit.fr/extraits/2006/nisard.pdf Premières pages of "Démolir Nisard"]
* [http://auteurs.contemporain.info/eric-chevillard/ Critical bibliography (Auteurs.contemporain.info)] fr icon
* [http://www.quarterlyconversation.com/TQC11/eric-chevillard.html Essay on Chevillard from The Quarterly Conversation]

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