

Kosmopoisk ( _ru. «Космопо́иск», full name—Общеросси́йская нау́чно-иссле́довательская обще́ственная организа́ция «Космопо́иск», abbreviated as ОНИОО), or Spacesearch, is a self-styled all-Russian public scientific Organization (registered as such in 2004), and an International Movement (since 2001) with interests in ufology, cryptozoology, and other mystery investigations.

The organization has more than 2,500 active members, in more than 100 groups in 25 countries, and have organized more than 250 expeditions since 1980.

Several Internet sites are disputing the scientific nature of this organisation, in particular the claims of creation of time machine development made by its leader Vadim Chernobrov.

On the other hand the samples of mysteryous objects retrieved by the expeditions are often being considered by scientists.

Own history account

The organization was founded by Russian science-fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev (1906–2002), aerospace engineer Vadim Chernobrov, astronaut Georgy Beregovoy (1925–1995), and other enthusiasts in order to explore the mysteries of the Universe and nature, research new ways of space technology development, and work on breakthrough branches of science.

The first research in "paleoufology" (extraterrestrial contacts in past of humanity's history) were performed by Alexander Kazantsev in 1945. Its goal was to find proof that Tunguska event of 1908 was a result of a UFO crash and explosion. The research started two years before first UFO sightings in the United States.

The first research and expedition group was created in Moscow Aviation Institute in 1980 by Vadim Chernobrov.

The main objectives of the organization in the 1980s were:
*Collecting information about UFOlogical and anomalous situations in the USSR;
*Developing of 'temporal' technology ('time car')—"Lovondatr" experimental devices;
*Sending expeditions to the most promising anomalous zones.


*Main expeditions became annual (all-Russian conference in May, Bear Hills monitoring June–September);
*Philosophy of 'expeditions hitch-hike' was formed and tested in real long range expeditions (Labynkyr lake(Yakutia)—travel along the abandoned part Kolyma federal road, in December);
*Large database of anomalous events in Russia collected.


*All-Russian organization registered (largest non-commercial public research organization in the world).



Korenevo event, happened in October 1996 in Kaluga region (central Russia), was the reason to perform a series of expeditions. The event was expected to be a meteorite fall. Two expeditions were performed in 1997, and in 1998–2003 Korenevo was a place, where annual all-Russian conference of Kosmopoisk took place in May. This conference was not only a search for impact point, but also a way involve masses of people(mostly from educational environment) into a public research process.

Russian Crop circles

Every year Kosmopoisk performs "monitoring' expeditions in Southern Russia (mostly in Krasnodar Krai) to detect new crop circles and to make their research before masses of tourists will destroy the structure.

UfoSETI system was deployed to collect and analyze the reports about UFO spots and crop circle appearing in Russia .

he-Bear Ridge

She-Bear Ridge (Russian: Медведицкая гряда; "Medveditskaya gryada") is situated in Volgograd Oblast. It is considered to be one of the most impressive anomalous zones in Russia. First expeditions there were performed in early 1980th. She-Bear Ridge is known for multiple "triangle UFO" observations, a so-called "crazy lightnings slope", mysterious underground tunnels, and as a place where first human "travel in time" was performed (Lovondatr-7 experiment).


* Search for mysterious creatures in forests ('bigfoot') and underwater (Russian Nessie creatures).
* 1999: an expedition to the remote Labynkyr Lake (in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic), where an underwater monster similar to Nessie has been believed to exist since 1960s.
* 2002–2003: expeditions to Brosno Lake in Tver Oblast were performed. For centuries, people believed that an underwater creature (Brosno dragon, or "Brosnya") had lived there. According to the legends, it was spotted by Mongolian invaders for the first time in 1240. Complete sonar underwater scan and coastal monitoring was performed. The result was summed in a theory of "hydrate bottom" (the Brosno dragon phenomenon is probably caused by massive gas eruptions from the bottom of lake).
* 2002–2004: several expeditions were performed to the places, where bigfoot populations are supposed to live. Expedition to Verkhoshizhemye (Kirov Oblast) in 2002 collected data about bigfoot living places. Probable bigfoot's camp or a temporary living place was found and photographed.

Kyshtym dwarf ("Alyoshenka")

Investigations to define the origin of an unknown being, appeared in the town of Kyshtym (Ural, Russia) in late 1990s. This creature allegdly lived in a house of a mad woman for some time. The dwarf was called "Alyoshenka", and this woman cared for him like for her own child. After being left alone, the dwarf died, and his corpse was retrieved by militsiya officers only after a considerable amount of time had passed, which is the reason for very poor condition of the dwarf's body. This body and dwarf's probable origin were a subject of several medical discussions. Russian crime investigator V. Bendlin performed a video record of medical councilium about the origin of dwarf's body.

Later the body was stolen by unknown criminals, and it is still not found as of this moment. In 2002, a multi-profile expedition was performed in Kyshtym. This expedition collected data, gathered evidence from witnesses, found a possible UFO landing/crash place, and explored a deep Sugomak cave, where the population of dwarf beings possibly existed in the past.Fact|date=March 2007

Ufologists believed the Kyshtym dwarf was a true case of the extraterrestrial. The clergy thought the dwarf was a demon.


*Vitim event expedition, Siberia, Vitim River, May-Jun 2003


*Ararat (search for Noah's Ark), September 2004


*KMET RAN("Committee for meteorites, Russian Academy of Science"(R.A.S.)) - meteorite search expeditions(Korenevo event,Vitim event), struggle against so called 'meteorite piracy'(re-selling meteorites, found by 'black diggers' or stolen, from Russia abroad).
*IOFAN("General Physics Institut" of R.A.S.) - Laboratory of Biophysics provides support in physical researches.
*MIFI("Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute").
*MAI("Moscow Aviation Institut") - the place, where Kosmopoisk was founded and formed as a research organization.
*SOYUZ rocket modelling club.
*AVP (Academy of Free Travels) - the largest Russian hitch-hiking community, created by traveller & writer Anton Krotov.
*UFOCom (Ufological Commitie of Belarus republic) - Belarusian group, working in the field of ufological and paranormal research.
*STALKER multi-profile school - created together with SOYUZ club. Provides young members of Kosmopoisk with necessary knowledge and practice. Situated in Moscow. Remote learning(St@lker project) system is planned for future.


External links and references

* Official Russian site - http://kosmopoisk.ru
* International Kosmopoisk - http://kosmopoisk.org (most pages in Russian) and http://ngoclub.org (English and encyclopedy)
* Vadim Chernobrov's site - http://chernobrov.narod.ru (in Russian)
* German Kosmopoisk site - http://kosmopoisk.de.vu (in German)
* A portion of Encyclopedia of Mysteryous Places on Earth, a book in Russian:" [http://chernobrov.narod.ru/photoalbum-4.html World] / [http://chernobrov.narod.ru/photoalbum-3.html Russia]
* [http://torsionfraud.narod.ru/akimov_shipov_torsion_field/torsion_field_chernobrov.htm Torsion Field Fraud]
* Falsificaton allegations [http://www.scorcher.ru/mist/tors/academic.htm] [http://www.skeptik.net/mirror/professor/tm.htm]
* [http://www.paranormalnews.com/article.asp?ArticleID=894 Paranormal news mentioning Kosmopoisk]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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