Piet Koornhof

Piet Koornhof

Pieter G. J. Koornhof (August 2, 1925 – November 12, 2007) was a South African politician. As an apartheid-era National Party cabinet minister, he held various portfolios in the cabinets of B.J. Vorster and P.W. Botha, and was later appointed ambassador to the United States. After the end of apartheid, he joined the African National Congress in 2001.

Piet Koornhof was born in August 2, 1925 in Leeudoringstad in the Western Transvaal. He studied theology at the University of Stellenbosch, and completed his studies at Oxford after being awarded a Rhodes Scholarship. His doctoral dissertation focussed on the "inevitable urbanisation" of black people in Africa.

After returning to South Africa, he joined the National Party in 1956. He became a researcher for Hendrik Verwoerd, the Prime Minister of South Africa, and was appointed director of the "Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge", an institute for the advancement of Afrikaner culture. In 1962, he became secretary of the Afrikaner Broederbond and in 1964 was elected Member of Parliament for Primrose.

In 1968, he became Deputy Minister of Bantu Affairs and Bantu Education in the government of B.J. Vorster. In 1972, he became Minister of Energy and in 1973 combined this post with that of Minister of Sports. In this position, he announced the creation of separate sports teams for different races.

As Minister of Energy from 1972 to 1976, and especially as Minister of Cooperation and Development between 1978 and 1984, Koornhof was involved in the implementation of apartheid laws by the forced removal of thousands of blacks from residential areas declared as white.

From 1986 to 1991, he was South Africa's Ambassador to the United States.

Throughout his career, Koornhof was seen as a moderate, at least compared to others in the apartheid government, and as a warm, larger than life personality with many contradictions.

In 1993, he made the headlines when, at the age of 68, he left his wife for a young coloured woman with whom he subsequently had two children.

In the new dispensation that followed non-racial elections in South Africa in 1994, he agreed to testify before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission set up by the new South African government and chaired by the Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu. He was one of the few former apartheid ministers to acknowledge the atrocities committed under their control during apartheid.

In 1998, Piet Koornhof and his son, Gerhard Koornhof, until then members of the National Party, announced that they were joining a new multiracial party, the United Democratic Movement of Bantu Holomisa.

In 2001, he joined the African National Congress and the Jehovah's Witnesses.

On several occasions Koornhof's marital problems came to the fore, especially during his 12 year separation from his wife, during which he lived together with his girlfriend. He later returned to his wife.

He died in 2007 at the age of 82 and was cremated in Stellenbosch. He received eulogies from across the political spectrum in South Africa, from his former companions in the National Party, members of the ANC, the United Democratic Movement and the Inkatha Freedom Party.cite web |url=http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__national/&articleid=324834|title=Apartheid-era minister Piet Koornhof dead at 82
accessdate=2007-11-14 |author=|date= |work= |publisher=Mail & Guardian


External links

* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article2895350.ece Obituary in "The Times", 19 November 2007]

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