General Bragg (Генерал Брегг) — «General Bragg» («Генерал Брегг») канонерская лодка (Конфедерация) Тип: канонерская лодка (Конфедерация). Водоизмещение: 853 тонны. Размеры: 63,4 м х 10 м х 3,7 м. Силовая установка: гребные колеса, паровая машина с качающимися цилиндрами.… … Энциклопедия кораблей
USS General Bragg (1851) — was a heavy (1,043 ton) steamer captured by Union Navy forces during the American Civil War. She was outfitted as a U.S. Navy gunboat and was assigned to enforce the Union blockade of the waterways of the Confederate States of America. Built in… … Wikipedia
Bragg — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Billy Bragg (* 1957), englischer Musiker Braxton Bragg (1817–1876), General der Konföderierten Don Bragg (* 1935), US amerikanischer Stabhochspringer und Olympiasieger Doug Bragg (1928–1973), US… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bragg — may refer to:*Bragg, Texas, a US ghost town *Electoral district of Bragg, a state electoral district in South Australia *Bragg (crater), a crater on the Moon *Bragg Communications, a Canadian cable television provider *Bragg (surname), people… … Wikipedia
Bragg, Texas — Bragg is a ghost town in Hardin County, Texas, United States, in the Big Thicket forest area of the southeastern part of the state. Sometimes referred to as Bragg Station , this small community that flourished in the early 1900s lies ten miles… … Wikipedia
Bragg — Bragg, Braxton, General der Südstaaten in Nordamerika, geb. 22. März 1817 in der Grafschaft Warren (Nordcarolina), gest. 27. Sept. 1876 in Galveston (Texas), trat 1857 in die Unionsarmee und zeichnete sich im Kriege gegen Mexiko aus. Nach Beginn… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bragg,Braxton — Bragg (brăg), Braxton. 1817 1876. American Confederate general in the Civil War who was defeated in the Chattanooga Campaign (1863). * * * … Universalium
Bragg — [brag] 1. Braxton [brak′stən] 1817 76; Confederate general 2. Sir (William) Lawrence 1890 1971; Eng. physicist, born in Australia: son of William Henry 3. Sir William Henry 1862 1942; Eng. physicist … English World dictionary
Bragg-Brentano — Diffractomètre Le diffractomètre est un appareil permettant de mesurer la diffraction d une onde sur une cible. Le terme est utilisé exclusivement pour la diffractométrie de rayons X. Les premiers diffractomètres utilisaient une pellicule… … Wikipédia en Français
Général Aussaresses — Paul Aussaresses Paul Aussaresses Naissance 7 novembre 1918 Saint Paul Cap de Joux Origine … Wikipédia en Français