- Sir Thomas Glover
"Sir Thomas Glover" was English Ambassador to the Sublime Porte of the
Ottoman Empire inConstantinople from 1606 - 1611.Glover was born to a protestant family, his great uncle had been burnt at the stake for his beliefs during the reign of Queen Mary, while during the reign of
Elizabeth I his father rose to becomeSheriff of London . According to Scottish author and traveller William Lithgow [WILLIAM LITHGOW OF LANARK'S TRAVELS IN SYRIA AND PALESTINE, 1611–1612BOSWORTH J] Glover was born to an English father and a Polish mother and was born and raised in Constantinople, where Glover served as secretary to the English Ambassadors Edward Barton andSir Henry Lello before succeeding Lello as ambassador in 1606. Fluent in Turkish, Greek, Italian and Polish he was a competent diplomat and respected in the court. He is known to have imprisoned the catholic traveller and scholarHugh Holland for speaking out against Elizabeth. [ [ Biography: Thomas Corser on Hugh Holland ] ]The English writer
William Strachey served as his secretary for a period and he also gave lodging to other travllers and writers including the fore-mentioned Lithgow andGeorge Sandys .Glover's wife Anne, a Polish woman he had met and married in Constantinople [http://www.mta.hu/fileadmin/szekfoglalok/000914.pdf] , died and was buried in the city in 1612.
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