Infobox Non-profit
Non-profit_name = Shadow of the Almighty Faith Tabernacle Ministries
Non-profit_type = Non-Government Organisation
founded_date = 1998
founder = Rev. Paul D Dawson
location = Chennai, TN - India
key_people = Rev. Paul D Dawson(Founder)
area_served = 2 countries
focus = Well being of all people, Evangelical
homepage = []


Shadow of the Almighty Faith Tabernacle Ministries (SAFTM) was founded in 1988 by Rev. Paul D Dawson, who resigned his job as a Senior Executive in one of the Government of India's leading Insurance companies after receiving the call for Full time Ministry. After the inception of the SAFT Church, he now ministers with the main objective of teaching people about Faith & equipping them with knowledge of the Supernatural resources on the Word of God, so that they would became effective soul winners, apart from living a life full of power and victory. Rev. Paul D Dawson is a well known Christian televangelist in India. He appears regularly in many T V channels. He was instrumental in establishing SAFT Church and Faith Bible Academy (FBA) within a short period of time.He is also Vice President of Cornerstone University of Jerusalem, Israel & USA- Asia Campus and International Director of Capstone Global Outreach, Inc. USA.

Organization Information

Shadow of the Almighty Faith Tabernacle Ministries (SAFTM), Chennai, India, is one of the fastest growing Christian organizations in India. Shadow of the Almighty Faith Tabernacle Church ( SAFT Church ), is a family church with the motto" Miracles and Believer's cannot be separated", and is expressed in every aspect of all its services. Special emphasis is laid on teaching the Word of God in its fullest perspective, so that the believer may lead a Victorious, Supernatural and complete life.

In 2003, Rev. Paul D Dawson established Faith Bible Academy. Faith Bible Academy is an interdenominational Christian College, established for the edification of the body of Christ. Its purpose is to equip church members and ministers so they will be ready to function in the place which the Lord has prepared for them. Faith Bible Academy student body comes from many local churches. Its policy is that all programs offered by the college shall be equally available to all persons with out regard to race, age, sex, or handicap. Faith Bible Academy is a school to equip men and women to live successful and victorious lives, to prepare individuals to be effective and involved members of their local churches, and to provide mature qualified leaders to meet the needs of local churches, para-church ministries, and the community.

External links

* [ SAFTM International Web site]
* [ Miracle Increase Web site]
* [ Curse Breaking Web site]
* [ Faith Bible Academy Web site]
* [ Healing Truths Web site]
* [ Super Natural Living Web site]
* [ Christian Books Web site]
* [ Christian Internet Radio site]

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