Bernhard Paus

Bernhard Paus

Bernhard Cathrinus Paus (November 9, 1910–February 9, 1999) was a Norwegian orthopedic surgeon and the Grand Master of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons from 1969 to 1990.

Born in Oslo, the son of noted surgeon and President of the Norwegian Red Cross, Nikolai Nissen Paus, he belonged to one of the oldest Norwegian families, Paus.

He finished medical school in 1936 and served as an officer during the Winter War in Finland and the war in Norway in 1940. Later he served in the Korean War, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. From 1951 to 1958 he served as head of the medical services of the Norwegian military, and from 1964 to 1980 he was the chief physician of the Martina Hansen's Hospital in Bærum.

He was chairman of the Norwegian Association for Military Medicine (1954-55) and President of the Nordic Orthopaedic Federation (1974-76).

His wife, Brita Collett Paus, founded the Catholic charitable organisation Fransiskushjelpen in Norway. Their daughter Lucie Paus Falck became a politician. He died in Agadir, Morocco.


*Knight First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav
*Knight of the Order of Charles XIII
*Decoration of honour of the Norwegian Red Cross
*The Mannerheim Freedom Cross with Sword
*UN medal
*Bronze Star
*Korean Order of Diplomatic Merit

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