Boji stone

Boji stone

Boji stones are concretions composed of either iron sulfide, i.e pyrite and marcasite, or in some cases jarosite, which are found in outcrops of the Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Formation within Gove County, Kansas. They are typically associated with thin layers of altered volcanic ash, called bentonite, which occur within the chalk comprising the Smoky Hill Chalk Member. A few of these concretions enclose, at least in part, large flattened valves of inoceramid bivalves. The "female" Boji stones are smooth concretions, which range in size from a few millimeters to as much as 12 mm (6 inches) in length. Most of these concretions are oblate spheroids in shape. The "male" Boji stones are small polycuboidal pyrite concretions, which are as much as 7 cm (0.23 foot ) in diameter (Hattin 1982). These concretions will explode if thrown in a fire. Also, when they are either cut or hammered, they produce sparks and a burning sulfur smell. Because of this behavior, Boji stones are sometimes mistakenly called and or misrepresented as "Kansas pop rocks" by some gem and mineral collectors. Some claim "Kansas Pop Rocks" are virtually identical to Boji stones in composition, size, and shape. Other similar stones can be found in outcrops of sedimentary rocks all over the world. For example, pyrite and marcasite concretions can be found in the Mooreville Chalk Formation of Alabama and the Cretaceous chalks of Sussex and Kent, England.

However to date, there has been no conclusive evidence provided that proves or disproves other forms of pyrite concretions such as "Kansas Pop Rocks" have the exact same mineral make-up or offer the seemingly magnetic properties as true Boji Stones offer. Many will argue, only true Boji Stones hold the unique and phenomenal properties to seemingly include magnetic properties. In actuality, Boji Stones are a 100% non-magnetic metallic mineral. This can be proven by the use of a quality, sensitive navigation compass. When True Boji Stones are placed near a compass they will have no magnetic effect on a compass. However, both pyrite and marcasite concretions also lack any magnetic effect on compasses. Unlike pyrrhotite, pyrite and marcasite are nonmagnetic and only become magnetic if it is heated.

The pyrite or marcasite, which typically comprise "Kansas Pop Rocks", with time can decompose, sometimes quite quickly, into a white, powdery pile of secondary sulfate minerals. This process is commonly called "pyrite decay". However, there is conclusive evidence provided that true Boji Stones will not and do not decompose like Kansas Pop Rocks are know to do. Coarse grained aggregates of pyrite crystals, "male" Kansas Pop Rocks are the most stable form of iron sulfide, while the fine-grained aggregates of marcasite, which comprise the typical "female" Pop Rocks, are most prone to decomposition. However, additional factors, including humidity; the presence or absence of microorganisms, i.e. the bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans; and other factors will determine whether and how fast specific individual Kansas Pop Rock stones disintegrate. The sulfuric acid liberated by the decomposition of iron sulfide composing "Kansas Pop Rocks" often destroys both the labels and boxes in which such "Kansas Pop Rocks" might be kept. True Boji Stones do not have these same negative effects as the "Kansas Pop Rocks" are know to have.Ref|footnote1.

Uses in alternative medicine

These stones have been termed "living stones" due to beliefs about the presence of energy fields and an ability to "die." In a solid form, these stones have a hardness of 7.0. Boji stones come in two types, male and female. The male stones are more textured and have large crystalline formations protruding from them, whereas the females are more smooth and rounded. There are more females than males.

Some alternative healing practitioners clkaim boji stones are beneficial in the treatment of arthritis and other disorders, and that these stones react to bioelectrical fields. The human body naturally produces a voltage that can be read by a multimeter. It is natural to have a charge between 5 and 30 millivolts (a pacemaker regulates the human heart with a 1 millivolt charge). If the reading is done from the palms of the hands without the stones, the body's natural charge is displayed fairly accurately. However, if a stone is placed in each hand and the reading is taken again through the stones, the reading will usually rise to above 100 millivolts and a polarity shift will be noted.

Blue Boji Stones are claimed to be extremely useful in extra body exploration, as they facilitate traveling and protect the body until the soul returns.


*Hattin, D.E. 1982. Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of the type area, western Kansas. "Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin" 225: 1–108.


Note|footnote11. [ How Minerals Form and Change]

External links

* Everhart, M., 2004, [ A Field Guide to Fossils of the Smoky Hill ChalkPart 5: Coprolites, Pearls, Fossilized Wood and other Remains] It contains pictures and information about boji stones and Kansas pop rocks and is part of the [ Oceans of Kansas] web site.

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