Clutter (mathematics)

Clutter (mathematics)

In mathematics, a clutter H is a hypergraph (V,E), with the added property that A otsubseteq B whenever A,B in E and A eq B (i.e. no edge properly contains another). Clutters are an important structure in the study of combinatorial optimization. The opposite notion of a clutter is an abstract simplicial complex, where every subset of an edge is contained in the hypergraph.

If H = (V,E) is a clutter, then the blocker of H, denoted b(H), is the clutter with vertex set V and edge set consisting of all minimal sets B subseteq V so that B cap A eq varnothing for every A in E. Lehman showed that b(b(H)) = H, so blockers give us a type of duality. We define u(H) to be the size of the largest collection of disjoint edges in H and au(H) to be the size of the smallest edge in b(H). It is easy to see that u(H) le au(H).


1. If G is a simple loopless graph, then H = (V(G),E(G)) is a clutter and b(H) is the collection of all minimal dominating sets. Here u(H) is the size of the largest matching and au(H) is the size of the smallest dominating set.

2. Let G be a graph and let s,t in V(G). Define H = (V,E) by setting V = E(G) and letting E be the collection of all edge-sets of s-t paths. Then H is a clutter, and b(H) is the collection of all minimal edge cuts which separate s and t. In this case u(H) is the maximum number of edge-disjoint s-t paths, and au(H) is the size of the smallest edge-cut separating s and t, so Menger's theorem (edge-connectivity version) asserts that u(H) = au(H).

3. Let G be a connected graph and let H be the clutter on E(G) consiting of all edge sets of spanning trees of G. Then b(H) is the collection of all minimal edge cuts in G.


There is a minor relation on clutters which is similar to that on graphs. If H = (V,E) is a clutter and v in V, then we may delete v to get the clutter H setminus v with vertex set V setminus {v} and edge set consisting of all A in E which do not contain v. We contract v to get the clutter H / v = b(b(H) setminus v). These two operations commute, and if J is another clutter, we say that J is a minor of H if a clutter isomorphic to J may be obtained from H by a sequence of deletions and contractions.

See also

* Sperner system

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