Parashorea parvifolia

Parashorea parvifolia

name = "Parashorea parvifolia"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Malvales
familia = Dipterocarpaceae
genus = "Parashorea"
species = "P. parvifolia"
binomial = "Parashorea parvifolia"
binomial_authority = Wyatt-Sm. "ex" P.S.Ashton|

"Parashorea parvifolia" is a species of plant in the Dipterocarpaceae family. The name "parvifolia" is derived from Latin ("parvus" = small and "folia" = leaf) and refers to species small leaves (6-9 x 3-4.5 cm). It is endemic to Borneo (Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak and east Kalimantan). It is a large emergent tree, up to 60 m tall, found in mixed dipterocarp forests on fertile clay soils. It is currently not listed on the IUCN redlist and is found in at least one protected area (Lambir National Park).


* Ashton, P.S. Dipterocarpaceae. In "Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak," Volume 5, 2004. Soepadmo, E., Saw, L.G. and Chung, R.C.K. eds. Government of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 983-2181-59-3

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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