Duane Laflin

Duane Laflin

Duane Laflin is a noted magician, teacher and innovator. He initially marketed and sold his props, effects and accessories within his company, "Laflin Magic" but eventually closed his mail-order business to focus strictly on performing and lecturing. Ownership and rights to his props were eventually transferred to his daughter's company, Lock Family Magic.[1] mrWizTrunckofmagic.com, a popular magic mail-order company devotes an entire page to Laflin's unique creations, including his educational videos for magicians.[2] He is a sought-after lecturer among magic clubs throughout the U.S.[3][4] He was a featured lecturer at ClownFest 2004, a popular clown convention.[5] He was also a featured lecturer at the 2007 convention of The International Brotherhood of Magicians held in Reno, Nevada.[6] He produced and starred in a popular four-volume series of instructional videos on silk magic.[7] He also produced and appeared in the instructional video, "Simply Beautiful Silk Magic".


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