

Bhiyar is a village located 70 km north of Barmer, Rajasthan, India, on the Ramdevara road.


Bhinyad is village situated 70km(by road)north of Barmer on Ramdevra road. There are eight wards in the village.

Population: about 5,000

Area in square kilometers:400 km²

Literacy: 40%

Language:Hindi, English and regional languages (marwari).

Religion:Hindu 95%

Muslim 3%

Jain 2%

Bhiyar is a jat dominated village. Most of the residents are "Godara" caste.

Mataji Ki Bhakri(Kananiyon Ki Dhani)ward has 80% literacy, which is highest in the village among the Jats. On average, every family has at least one Government Employee.

Naga Ram Chaudhary is holding highest post. He is Circle Inspector(CI) in Rajasthan Police Services.

Sagra Ram Godara is the first person to join the Police Service in the Godara family hails from Kananiyon ki Dhani.

Teja Ram Godara who served in Indian Army(6th Jat Bn Infantry) and is honoured by the President of India with honorary rank of Captain.

Sona Ram Chaudhary is the first Jat(Godara) to join Indian Air Force and presently holding the rank of Junior Warrant Officer also hails from the Kananiyon ki Dhani.


Teachers: 05

Police: 06


Indian Army: 01

Indian Air Force: 01

Health Services: 02

MES: 01

Judiciary: 03

tags: VillageWikipedia: Village

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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