

name = LoseThos

caption = LoseThos screenshot
developer = Terry A. Davis
working_state = Active
latest_release_version = 4.14
latest_release_date = September 20, 2008
kernel_type =
license = public domain
website = [http://www.losethos.com/ www.losethos.com]

LoseThos is a public-domain, x86-64 opcode, operating system, developed by Terry A. Davis. The stated goal of this project is "programming as entertainment." It is oriented toward video games, not the Internet, desk-top publishing or multimedia. It is not derived from any existing operating system, nor claims compatibility with such.


*It is programmed with a language variant of C/C++. [ [http://www.losethos.com/diff.html] ]
*Kernel privilege at all times in all programs.
*Identity mapped virtual-to-physical memory.
*Master/slave MultiCore support -- not SMP.
*640x480x16 color VGA graphics.
*Most hard drives, keyboards and mice.
*It does not have USB, printing, or networking support. But sound from the PC Speaker is available. [ [http://www.losethos.com/require.html] ]


External links

* [http://www.losethos.com/ Homepage]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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