

name = SigmaScan Pro

caption =
developer = Systat Software Inc.
latest_release_version = 5.0
latest_release_date = 2007
operating_system = Windows
genre = automatic image analysis package
license = proprietary
website = [ SYSTAT]
SigmaScan Pro is an Image analysis package for scientists, engineers and technicians that provides an easy method to measure virtually any object that can be photographed or scanned.

SigmaScan was originally developed by [ Jandel Scientific Software] in the late 1980’s which was later acquired by SPSS Inc. in October 1996.

In January 2004, Systat Software further acquired the exclusive worldwide rights from SPSS Inc. Systat Software is now based in San Jose, California.

SigmaScan Pro transforms images into reliable statistics, understandable graphs leading the user to obtain valuable scientific conclusions. It has complete compatibility with common image files and can capture images from any TWAIN compliant imaging device. By using built-in column statistics, users can classify their data and choose from ~140 worksheet functions providing the ability to develop meanful conclusions from simple or complex images and their structures.

External links

* [ Systat Webpage]
* [ SigmaScan Support Webpage]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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