

Schwartz's Hebrew Delicatessen, established in 1928 by Reuben Schwartz, a Jewish immigrant from Romania, [ [ - News - Babylon, P.Q ] ] is alandmark at 3895 Saint-Laurent Boulevard. It is the most famous smoked meat restaurant in Montreal, [ [ Schwartz's world famous smoked meat deli - now that's marketing ] ] and kosher style rather than strictly kosher. [ [ Menschlich Montreal ] ] Schwartz's often has a line extending out of the store, whether it is the middle of the day or late at night. The company also sells smoked meat by mail order.

Several restaurateurs have offered to build Schwartz's as franchise operations in cities across North America. The owners have always refused. [ [ Smoked meat ] ]

"The Montreal Gazette" has voted Schwartz's to have the best smoked meat in town. [ [ "The Gazette" "Quest For The Best" winners (Best smoked meat sandwich)] ]

Other notable smoked meat restaurants in Montreal include Ben's Delicatessen & Restaurant (closed down in late 2006), Dunn's, Snowdon Deli, Reuben's and The Main (located across the street from Schwartz's). The Main used to be located next to Schwartz's, benefitting from the proximity. When it moved across the street in the 1970s to a larger location, its traffic dropped off.Fact|date=June 2007

In the media

In 2006, "Montreal Gazette" columnist Bill Brownstein wrote a book about Schwartz's, "Schwartz's Hebrew Delicatessen: The Story," published by Véhicule Press. [ [] ] That same year, the restaurant was the subject of a documentary film, "Chez Schwartz," by filmmaker Garry Beitel. [ [] ] Schwartz's has also been the subject of numerous articles and features in Canadian and international publications.


External links

* [ Schwartz's Deli] - official homepage

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