Ali Khamraev

Ali Khamraev

Ali Irgashaliyevich Khamraev ( _ru. Али Иргашалиевич (Эргашевич) Хамраев; born Tashkent, 19 May 1934) [cite web|language=Russian|title=MOVIE-THEATER. Ru > Ali Khamraev > biography|url=] is an Uzbek director who is most well known in the former Soviet Union for his work in the 1970s.

He studied at State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).

His films include "Telokhranitel (The Bodyguard)" and "The Seventh Bullet".

He has won a number of accolades at home, including being a laureate, and "Honoured Art Worker" of the Uzbek republic.

He is still working today, and his most recent film "Bo Ba Bu" toured many European festivals.


*1972: "The Seventh Bullet (Sedmaya Pulya/Седьмая Пуля)"
*1979: "Telokhranitel (The Bodyguard)"
*1983: "Zharkoye Leto v Kabule"
*1985: "Ya Tebya Pomnyu"
*1988: "Sad Zhelaniy"
*1998: "Bo Ba Bu"


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