Shigisan Castle — Infobox Military Structure name=Shigisan castle 信貴山城 partof= location=Mount Shigi, border of Yamato and Kawachi provinces, Japan coordinates= caption= caption2= type= yamashiro type Japanese castle code= built=1536 builder=Kizawa Nagamasa… … Wikipedia
Rouleaux des légendes du mont Shigi — Shigi san engi emaki Détail du rouleau du grenier volant. Artiste Anonyme Année XIIe siècle Type Emaki Technique … Wikipédia en Français
JAPON - Les arts — Issu, comme tous les arts de l’Extrême Orient, de la Chine qui lui a fourni techniques et modèles, l’art japonais se distingue, cependant, par l’originalité de ses créations. Son développement est scandé de périodes d’absorption, où se manifeste… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mount Shigi — 信貴山 … Wikipedia
Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga — Animals wrestling on the first scroll of Chōjū jinbutsu giga. Material Paper and ink. Created 12th century and 13th century Discovered Scrolls were known si … Wikipedia
Ban dainagon ekotoba — Foule s agitant autour de la première porte du palais. Artiste Tokiwa Mitsunaga Année XIIe siècle Type Emaki … Wikipédia en Français
japanische Kunst. — japanische Kunst. Wesentliche Impulse zur Entfaltung seiner Kunst erhielt Japan v. a. von China (Übernahme der chinesischen Kultur und Schrift; Einführung des Buddhismus im 6. Jahrhundert), aber auch von Korea. Dem Import fremder Kunstformen… … Universal-Lexikon
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
History of manga — Image of bathers from the Hokusai manga. The History of manga is said to originate from scrolls dating back to the 12th century, however whether these scrolls are actually manga is still disputed, though its believed they represent the basis for… … Wikipedia
Ban Dainagon Ekotoba — (伴大納言絵詞), or The Tale of Great Minister Ban, is an emakimono (handscroll painting) depicting the events of the Ōtemmon Conspiracy, an event of Japan s early Heian period. The painting, attributed to Tokiwa Mitsunaga of the Tosa school, is over… … Wikipedia