- SharpMusique
SharpMusique was a rewrite in C# of PyMusique, which was an
iTunes Music Store client written in Python by Travis Watkins,Cody Brocious , andJon Lech Johansen for the purpose of allowing downloads from the iTunes Music Store onLinux . It was first released via Johansen's website in March2005 . Although the iTunes Music Store's method of applyingFairPlay DRM to the songs was widely known, PyMusique was the first program to exploit a loophole in the system, allowing users to download songs without the DRM restriction.PyMusique also allowed songs to be re-downloaded for free, in case a user accidentally deleted their purchase. Within a number of days, Apple broke the client by forcing all users to upgrade to
iTunes 4.9 [http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-03/22/content_2728356.htm] . In response to Apple's actions, Johansen released PyMusique version 0.4 onMarch 22 ,2005 [http://nanocrew.net/?p=15] , which allows users once again to use PyMusique with Apple's store.With the launch of 0.4, developer Cody Brocious stated on his blog that no future versions of PyMusique would be released with
Microsoft Windows support.In September 2005, Jon Lech Johansen released SharpMusique, written in C#, which took over where PyMusique left off. The program was kept updated until version 1.0, at which point it was no longer updated. The iTunes protocol changed, and users of SharpMusique were able to release primitive patches to account for the changes until mid 2006, when the protocol changed drastically. Around this time, without public announcement, the download links for SharpMusique and its source were removed from Johansen's website [http://www.nanocrew.net] . As a result, it is no longer easily available.
External links
* [http://www.forbes.com/2005/03/28/cx_ah_0328tentech.html Forbes.com article on Cody Brocious and PyMusique]
* [http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?id=27596 Neowin.net interview with Cody Brocious]
* [http://nanocrew.net/2005/09/17/sharpmusique-10/ SharpMusique] with links deep in the comments to source packages for linux and windows
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