Celibate marriage

Celibate marriage

A celibate marriage is a marriage that is never consummated [http://www.monadnock.net/essays/hogarth.html] .

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* [http://www.monadnock.net/essays/hogarth.html Monadock Review -- A Fictional Review on the History of Sex, by Tom Radcliffe]

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  • Celibate — Cel i*bate, n. [L. aelibatus, fr. caelebs unmarried, single.] 1. Celibate state; celibacy. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] He . . . preferreth holy celibate before the estate of marriage. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. One who is unmarried, esp. a bachelor …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • celibate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) abstaining from marriage and sexual relations for religious reasons. 2) having or involving no sexual relations. ► NOUN ▪ a person who is celibate. DERIVATIVES celibacy noun. ORIGIN from Latin caelibatus unmarried state …   English terms dictionary

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  • celibate — [ sɛlɪbət] adjective 1》 abstaining from marriage and sexual relations for religious reasons. 2》 having or involving no sexual relations. noun a person who is celibate. Derivatives celibacy noun Origin C19: from celibacy (C17, from Fr. célibat or… …   English new terms dictionary

  • celibate — adj. & n. adj. 1 committed to abstention from sexual relations and from marriage, esp. for religious reasons. 2 abstaining from sexual relations. n. a celibate person. Derivatives: celibacy n. Etymology: F ceacutelibat or L caelibatus unmarried… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Spiritual marriage — comes from the idea of love without sex. It is a practice in which a man and a woman live intimately without having any sexual relationship. It has been known throughout all cultures as a bond of a man and a woman with its only reason being the… …   Wikipedia

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