Joseph ibn Abitur

Joseph ibn Abitur

Joseph ibn Abitur was a student of R. Moshe b. Hanoch. He was from a very prestigious Spanish family from the city of Merida. His great great grandfather was a communal and Rabbinic leader. Besides being a great Torah scholar, R. Yosef was also a paytan of note. He also wrote a commentary on the Bible in Hebrew. He also enjoyed a relationship with the Caliph of the time and fashioned an Arabic translation of the Talmud for him. When R. Chanoch was chosen to succeed his father, R. Yosef felt compelled to leave Spain and travel to the Yeshivas in Bavel. On his way he stopped in Egypt before arriving in Bahgdad. He eventually went to Damascus, where he died. He wrote many Teshuvas, some that we still have.

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