- János Kornai
János Kornai, (21 January 1928-), born in
Budapest ,Hungary , is aneconomist noted for his criticism of the command economies ofEastern Europe ancommunist state s.Biography
Professor Kornai studied at the
Karl Marx University of Economics , in Budapest and holds a 'candidate' degree from theHungarian Academy of Sciences . He wrote that he chose to become an economist after reading Marx's "Das Kapital".frFrançois Fejtő , "Les mémoires politiques et intellectuels d'un grand économiste hongrois", Sociétal, Q1 2008, pp.110] He starts working in "Szabad Nép", the Hungarian Communist Party newspaper, but he is fired for lack of Communist convictions in April 1955.He was a Member of the Board of the
Hungarian National Bank (central bank ) until 2001, and has authored many economics-related books and papers. From 1958 onward Kornai received many invitations to visit foreign institutions, but he was denied apassport by the Hungarian authorities and was not allowed to travel until 1963, after political restrictions had begun to ease.From 1967 until 1992 he has been a Research Professor at the Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Kornai joined the faculty of
Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, in 1986 and was named the Allie S. Freed Professor of Economics in 1992. In the same year, he became a Permanent Fellow of Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study. He retired from Harvard in 2002.Works
In the late 1950s, he was among those initiating the use of mathematical methods in economic planning. He elaborated the
theory of two-level planning withTamás Lipták and directed the first large-scale economy-wide multi-level planning project. Professor Kornai's early article "Overcentralization" (1953) created a stir in the West and represented his first disillusionment with the communistcentral planning .His 1971 book, "Anti-Equilibrium", criticizes
neoclassical economics , particularly general equilibrium theory.In his 1980 book, "Economics of Shortage", perhaps his most influential work, Kornai argued that the chronic shortages seen throughout Eastern Europe in the late 1970s (and which continued during the 1980s) were not the consequences of planners’ errors or the wrong prices, but rather systemic flaws. In his 1988 book, "The Socialist System, The Political Economy of Communism" he argued that the command economy based on the unchallenged control by a Marxist-Leninist
communist party leads to a predominance of bureaucratic administration ofstate firm s, throughcentralized planning and management, and the use ofadministrative pricing to eliminate the effects of themarket , leading to individual responses to the incentives of this system, ultimately causing observable and inescapable economic phenomena known as theshortage economy . Kornai is very skeptical of efforts to createmarket socialism .His later works including "The Road to a Free Economy" (1990), "Highway and Byways" (1995), "Struggle and Hope" (1997) and "Welfare in Transition" (2001) deal with macroeconomic aspects and the interaction between politics and economic policy in the period of economic transition in the
post-Soviet states . At present he leads a comprehensive research project, "Honesty and Trust in the Light of Post-Socialist Transition" atCollegium Budapest , where he now is anemeritus fellow .In 2007 he published a memoir, "By Force of Thought", on his research and the social and political environments in which he did his work.
See also
Welfare, Choice and Solidarity in Transition
*Stanislaw Gomulka External links
* [http://www.economics.harvard.edu/faculty/kornai/kornai.html Kornai´s homepage] at Harvard University
* [http://www.wikiberal.org/wiki/J%C3%A1nos_Kornai Biography and ideas of Janos Kornai]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.