- Henry Campbell
Henry Campbell was a
Church of England clergyman andbishop of London from 1956-1961 [Who's Who 1970 London,A & C Black , 1970 ISBN 0713611405] . He was born on11 October 1887 and educated at Malvern andBrasenose College, Oxford . After a period of study at "Wells Theological College" he wasordained in 1910, his first post being a curacy atAlverstoke . After distinguished wartime service [He received theMilitary Cross for bravery at GallipolliThe Times , Monday, Dec 28, 1970; pg. 8; Issue 58057; col E "Obituary Bishop Montgomery Campbell"] he held incumbencies at Poplar,Hackney ,Hornsey [Where he was additionallyRural Dean Who's Who (Ibid)] andSt George Hanover Square . These lead in time to his elevation to theepiscopate : firstly asBishop of Willesden , and then successively Kensington [ The Times, Thursday, Mar 05, 1942; pg. 7; Issue 49176; col D Ecclesiastical News "Two Bishops Suffragan Appointed"] , Guildford and finally London, through which he became aPrivy Councillor . A modest man, he said of his Bishoprics"Sometimes you need a man like me- one who is no figure in public life and no scholar- but simply and solely a Father in God who goes round the parishes visiting the chaps: the only thing I am any good at" [Times Obit (Ibid)]
He died onBoxing Day 1970 after contractingbronchial pneumonia afterr fracturing his thigh during apower cut [The Times, Thursday, Jan 07, 1971; pg. 1; Issue 58066; col G Bishop's death after power cut] .Notes
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