- Apache Geronimo
Infobox Software
name = Apache Geronimo
caption = Apache Geronimo Web Administration Console
collapsible = yes
developer =Apache Software Foundation
latest release version = 2.1.3
latest release date = release date|2008|09|15
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
operating system =Cross-platform (JVM )
programming language = Java
genre = Web Application Server
license =Apache License 2.0
website = http://geronimo.apache.orgApache Geronimo is a
free software application server developed by theApache Software Foundation and distributed under theApache license . Geronimo is currently compatible with the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5.0 specification.IBM has provided considerable support to the project through marketing, code contributions, and the funding of several project committers. In October 2005, IBM announced a free edition of itsWebSphere application server named Websphere Application Server Community Edition based on Geronimo. [http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?lang=en_US&source=wsced] Other commercial supporters includeAMD , Chariot Solutions, Simula Labs and Virtuas.Components
Like an enterprise
operating system , Geronimo is built on a kernel -- amicrokernel that lays the foundation for everything above it. Geronimo's kernel is Java EE agnostic. Its sole purpose is to manage Geronimo's building blocks. Geronimo is marked by an architectural design which is based on the concept ofInversion of Control (IoC) (sometime calledDependency Injection ), which means that the kernel has no direct dependency on any of its components. The kernel is a framework for services that controls the service life cycle and registry. The kernel is based on Java EE. It works with Java EE services and components to build specific configurations -- one of which is a full Java EEsolution stack .A majority of the Geronimo services are added and configured through GBeans to become a part of the overall application server. A GBean is the interface that connects the component to the kernel. Each GBean can maintain state, depend on, and interrelate with other GBeans, and operate on events from the kernel and other GBeans. The GBeans interface makes It possible to switch between two
servlet container s, for example Jetty or Tomcat without affecting the whole architecture using a GBeans interface. This flexible architecture makes it possible for the Geronimo developers to integrate several existing, field-testedopen source software projects.Here a list of the open source components that are included in the Geronimo project.
Note (1): The project is currently in incubation under the
Apache Incubator References
first = Aaron
last = Mulder
year = 2007
title = Apache Geronimo Development and Deployment
publisher = Addison-Wesley Professional
id = ISBN 0321334833
first1 = Jeff
last1 = Genender
first2 = Bruce
last2 = Snyder
first3 = Sing
last3 = Li
year = 2006
title = Professional Apache Geronimo
publisher = Wrox
ISBN = 0471785431
first = Aaron
last = Mulder
year = 2006
title = Pro Apache Geronimo
publisher = Apress
id = ISBN 1590596420
first = David
last = Blevins
year = 2004
title = Geronimo: A Developer's Notebook
publisher = O'Reilly Media
ISBN = 0596006713ee also
Comparison of application servers External links
* [http://geronimo.apache.org Apache Geronimo]
* [http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/top-projects/geronimo.html Geronimo resources area at IBM developerWorks]
* [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/was/wasce.html WebSphere Application Server Community Edition resources area at IBM developerWorks]
* [http://www-306.ibm.com/software/info1/websphere/index.jsp?tab=landings/was-ce Announcing IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition]
* [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0709_jain/0709_jain.html What's new in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition V2.0]
* [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0807_jain/0807_jain.html?S_TACT=105AGX10&S_CMP=WASCE What’s new in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition V2.1]Presentations
* [http://parleys.com/display/PARLEYS/Apache+Geronimo+Unleashed?showComments=true Apache Geronimo Unleashed at javapolis 2006]
* [http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/servlet/JiveServlet/download/541-215779-14114573-327254/Impact-2486-WAS-CE.pdf Impact 2008 IBM Websphere CE compared to Jboss]
* [http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo/presentations.html Presentations listed on Geronimo Wiki]
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