[ [http://www.gtcbio.com/conference/aboutus.aspx Company website ] ] , which gave the new company its first GTC three-letter prefix. Many people today know the company as just GTC.]Company's evolution
GTCbio was founded in 2002. Since its inception GTCbio has grown through several distinct phases. At its founding, GTCbio was distinguished simply by its ability to organize specialized biotechnology conferences for highly specialized expert audiences. However, as the popularity of GTCbio's biotechnology conferences increased, the company significantly expanded the number and breadth of its conferences. In 2007 the company organized 29 biotechnology conferences in the United States.
Today GTCbio keeps touch with over 700,000 industry participants via direct mail and works with all major biopharmaceutical companies worldwide. It expanded into biotechnology consulting, industry research services and promotion services.
Announced Conferences
One of its flagship annual conferences is [http://gtcbio.com/conferenceDetails.aspx?id=110 Modern Drug Discovery and Development (M3D) Summit] , one of the major industry conferences with several hundred industry, academic and government speakers, multiple tracks, workshops, study and plenary sessions. This takes place every fall and offers attendees a compressive outlook on the biopharma field, including drugs and therapies in development, new methods and techniques as well as optimal networking opportunities.
Winter Biotechnology Conferences
Advances in Stem Cell Discoveries
4th Metabolic Disease World Summit
CNS: Partnering, Licensing & Deal-making
3rd Annual Immunodiagnostics & Immunomonitoring
See also
*Business Conference
External links
* [http://www.gtcbio.com/ GTCbio Website]
* [http://www.biospace.com/ Biospace]
* [http://www.leaddiscovery.co.uk/ Lead Discovery - Conferences]
* [http://www.connect.org/calendar/index.html#Industry UCSD Connect]
* [http://www.pharmavoice.com/conferences.asp PharmaVoice]
* [http://www.isicr.org/ International Society for Cytokine & Interferon Research]
* [http://hum-molgen.org/meetings/meetings/ Human Genetics & Molecular Biology]
* [http://www.biotechnologymeetings.com/ Calendar of Biotechnology Meetings]
* [http://www.allconferences.com/Science/ All Conferences]
* [http://www.biotech-register.com/indexnewslist.cfm?get=cal National Biotech Register]
* [http://www.pharmiweb.com/events/default.asp Pharmiweb]
* [http://sjbiocenter.com/events.html San Jose Biocenter]
* [http://www.lifesciencesbc.ca/Events/Other_Events/event11280702.asp Life Sciences British Columbia]
* [http://www.sciweb.com/db/meetings.cfm Sciweb]