

Taghachar, also spelled Tajir, Ta'achar (died c. 1296) was a commander in the army of the Mongol Empire. He was one of the conspirators involved in the overthrow of three Ilkhanate khans, and placed the short-lived Baidu on the throne in 1295. Taghachar was a member of the Suquai'ud branch of the Baarin clan.

When Hulegu entered Persia in 1256, he commanded a battalion of his western wing.

He was a member of the guard for Abaqa Khan, and later with some associates such as effective noyan Bugha, Samaghar and more, formed a faction in support of Arghun, Abaqa's son. Arghun rewarded Taghachar by making him a commander. When Arghun fell ill, Taghachar's group probably had him killed, and placed Geikhatu in power. However in 1295 Taghachar had him killed as well, and then placed Baydu on the throne, after which they divided the kingdom among the co-conspirators. But Taghachar deserted Baydu and joined Nauruz. [harvnb|Fisher|Boyle|Gershevitch|1968|p=379] A civil war ensued, led by Ghazan Khan, who killed Baydu in 1296.

In November 1295, Ghazan sent Taghachar to Rûm as a governor, because he had concerns over his continued loyalty and thought it safer to keep him at a distance. Shortly afterwards Ghazan reluctantly ordered the murder of Taghachar; he recognised that he had been a help and that he was not an imminent threat, and explained his decision by reference to a story from Chinese history. [ harvnb|Fisher|Boyle|Gershevitch|1968|p=381]



* Atwood, Christopher P. (2004). "The Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire". Facts on File, Inc. ISBN 0-8160-4671-9.
*citation|title=The Cambridge History of Iran: The Saljug and Mongol Periods|first=William Bayne|last= Fisher|first2=John Andrew|last2= Boyle|first3= Ilya |last3=Gershevitch|publisher= Cambridge University Press|year= 1968|id=ISBN 052106936X

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