- Hossein Bashiriyeh
"Hossein Bashiriyeh"', is an Iranian scholar in
political theory andpolitical sociology , who was born in 1953 inHamdan ,Iran .He has a B.A. from
Tehran University , an M.A. fromEssex University and aPh.D. fromLiverpool University , in Political Theories, he returned to Iran after theIslamic Revolution of 1979 , & taught at several universities likeTehran University ,Imam Sadegh University inTehran & Bagherol-'Olum University inQom . He resigned from Tehran University, where he wasprofessor ofpolitical science . He is currently a visiting professor of political science at the Maxwell School ofSyracuse University [http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/psc/faculty/Bashiriyeh.asp] .Publications
*The State and Revolution in Iran, 1962-1982,St. Martin's Press, New York and Kent/Fyshwick: Croom Helm Ltd., 1984.
*Revolution and Political Mobilization, Tehran university Press, 1992.
*The Kingdom of Reason: 10 essays in political philosophy and political sociology, Tehran new science Press, 1993.
*Political Sociology: The Role of Social Forces in Political Life, Tehran: Nay Publications 1996.
*A History of Political thought in twentieth century (Marxism), Tehran, Nashr-e-Nay, 1999.
*A history of Political thought in twentieth century (Liberal and Conservative Thought), Tehran, Nashr-e-Nay, 1999.
*Twentieth Century Theories of Culture, Tehran, Ayandehpoyan publication, 2001.
*Lessons on Democracy For Everyone, Tehran, Negha-e-moaasar, 2001
*An introduction to political sociology of Iran: the period of Islamic republic, Tehran, publication of Negha-e-moaasar, 2002.
*Obstacles to political development in Iran, Tehran, publication of Gham-e-Noo, 2001.
*Civil Society and Political Development in Iran. Tehran, Novin Press, 1998.
*New Theories in Political Science. Tehran, Novin Press, 1999.
*The Sociology of Modernity. Tehran: Naqdo Nazar, 1999.
*The State and Civil Society: Discourses in Political Sociology. Tehran, Naqo Nazar, 2000.
*Political Science For Everyone. Tehran: Negahe Moasser, 2001.
*Reason in Politics: 35 Essays on Political Philosophy and Sociology. Tehran , Negahe Moasser, 2003.
*Transition to Democracy:Theoretical Issues [Collection of Essays] , Tehran, Negahe Moasser, 2006.Translations from English into Persian
*Barrington Moore’s Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy (Tehran: Tehran University Press, 1990).
*Andrew Vincent’s Theories of the State (Tehran: Nay Press, 1991).
*Richard Tuck’s Hobbes (Tehran: Tarh-e Naw Press, 1995).
*H. Dreyfus and P. Robinow’s Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. (Tehran: Nay Press, 1999).
*Robert Holub’s Jurgen Habermas: Critic in the Public Sphere (Tehran: Nay Press, 1996).
*Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan (Tehran: Nay Press, 2001).
*Von Baumer’s (ed.) Main Currents of Western Thought (Tehran: Baaz Press, 2002).Articles
Articles in English
*“Society-State Relations in the Middle East: The Emergence of Civil Society,” Korea and the Middle East in a Changing World [Conference proceedings] (Seoul, 1996).
*“Totalitarianism and Political Development in the USSR,” Iranian Journal of International Affairs, no. 2 (Fall 1990).
*“From Dialectics to Dialogue: Reflections on Inter-civilizational Relations,” Journal of Global Dialogue (published in Cyprus), vol. 3 (Winter 2001).
*“Civil Society and Democratization in Iran: Khatami’s Second Term,” Journal of Global Dialogue, vol.3 (Summer 2001).
*“A Critical Examination of Reason in the Western and Islamic Philosophies,” Journal of Dialogue (published in Tehran) (Spring 2001).
*Charismatic, Traditional and Legal Authority in Iran,” Political and International Quarterly (National University of Iran) (Spring 2003).
*"The Crises of the Ideological States: The case od the Islamic Republic in Iran", Collection of Conference Articles, Korean Political Science Association, Seoul, S. Korea, 2005.
* [http://www.islamic-studies.org/dialconfer.htm#FROM%20THE%20DIALECTICS%20OF%20CIVILIZATION%20TO%20DIALOGUE%20AMONG%20CIVILIZATIONS]
*Role of Iranian Elite in Transition to Democracy
* [http://www.dialoguecentre.org/Bash%20Full.htm]Articles in Persian
During the last 15 years he has published 35 articles in
Persian language journals published in Iran. These essays have all been assembled in Reason in Politics: 35 Essays on Political Philosophy and Sociology (referred to above). These articles deal with the following topics: Reason in Politics; Main Concerns of Political Philosophy; Theories of Tolerance; Philosophy of Justice; New Liberalism; The Frankfurt School and Habermas; The fate of Modernity; Ethical aspects of Art; Weber and Islam; Opposition in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes; Consensus and Conflict; Anarchist Ideals in Political Development; Political Culture in the Pahlavi Period; Civil Society after the Revolution; Traditionalism as Counter-enlightenment in Iran; Class Struggles after the Revolution; Political Ideology and Identity-Building after the Revolution.External links
* [http://www.bashiriyeh.com Personal Web Site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.