Polyfonix radio

Polyfonix radio


POLYFONIX is 92.3FM 3ZZZ's Multicultural Youth Program broadcasting Saturday Nights 10pm - 11pm


The program was founded in 2003 as a station initiative with the aim of increasing youth involvement in the radio station and also the community ethnic radio sector

Much of the credited owed to the success of this program is to Maureen O'Keefe (3ZZZ Manager at the time), Claudine Ellis (3ZZZ Youth Officer at the time) and also founding members Jagdeep (Jag) Shergill (3ZZZ Youth Representative/3ZZZ Punjabi Group), Tina Marusic (3ZZZ Croatian Group) and Tewell Gwargis (3ZZZ Assyrian Group).

POLYFONIX is pivitol to the access that youth have to 3ZZZ, a great radio station that has achieved so much over the years within an unfortunately ageing sector.


Broadcasters are from a range of different ethnically, culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. They are influenced by their own backgrounds and also, of course, by the Australian ethos and culture.

The current broadcasters are wide and varied but include David Shen (Chinese), Izmir Bahawi (Malaysian), Rubal Sachdeva (Indian) and Jag Shergill (Punjabi).

The program is broadcast in Melbourne, Australia on 92.3FM on Saturday Nights 10pm - 11pm.

External links


Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/polyfonixradio

3zzz: http://www.3zzz.com.au

Latest show: http://www.3zzz.com.au//rmFiles/SAT22.ram

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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