

Warumbe or Walumbe is a character in the Gandan creation myth, The Legend of Kintu. He is the son of Mugulu and the brother of Nambi. His name is translated as "disease" or "death" and he is responsible for death on Earth according to Gandan mythology.

The Legend

In the The Legend of Kintu, after Kintu succeeds in all of Mugulu's tests, Mugulu gives him his daughter, Nambi, among other gifts to take back to Earth. He gives them multiple vegetable plants, a hen, and some millet. He warns them then to hurry back to Earth to avoid gaining the attention of Warumbe, Nambi's sister. He tells them not to come back for anything, but when Kintu forgets the hen's millet, he returns for it. After much deliberation, Kintu and Nambi allow Warumbe to stay with them on Earth for a time.

In tradition with Gandan culture, Warumbe, as a brother of the bride, claimed one of Kintu's children as his own. Kintu refuses Warumbe and continues to do so throughout the years. Frustrated, Warumbe, then begins to kill a single child every day. After conversing with Mugulu, Kaikuzi is sent to aid Kintu in sending Warumbe back to heaven. Warumbe grapples with Kaikuzi and then retreats by digging and hiding within the ground. Kaikuzi soon tires of pursuing Warumbe and asks all of mankind to be silent for two days to lure Warumbe out. When Warumbe finally emerges, children cry out at the sight of him and he again retreats into the earth. Upon Kintu's dismissal, Kaikuzi then returns to Mugulu and explains the situation. Upon hearing of this, Mugulu allows Warumbe to remain on Earth.

Warumbe is therefore blamed as the reason for death on Earth.


*Thury, Eva M. & Devinney, Margaret K. (2005). "Introduction to Mythology" . Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-517968-2

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