Philip J. Morin III

Philip J. Morin III

Philip J. Morin III (born 1969 in New Jersey). He is a New Jersey political leader. Morin is a graduate of Cranford High School, Drew University, and the Rutgers School of Law—Newark

He was elected to the Cranford, New Jersey Township Committee in 1996 as a Republican and reelected in 1999. During his two terms on the Township Committee he served as Commissioner of Public Affairs, Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner of Public Safety, and Commissioner of Finance. He was chosen as Deputy Mayor of Cranford in 1999 and 2002 and was Mayor of Cranford in 2000. While on the Township Committee he promoted youth programs, the environment, tax reform, economic development, and flood control. He was elected Chairman of the Union County Republican Committee in 2004.

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* [ Philip J. Morin, III]

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