Leo Lemay

Leo Lemay

Leo Lemay (also known as J.A. Leo Leomay) is du Pont Winterthur Professor of English at the University of Delaware. He is probably most renowned for his lifelong fascination with Benjamin Franklin although he has written on many topics, included Edgar Allan Poe. [ [http://www.english.udel.edu/Profiles/lemay.htm J.A. Leo Lemay ] ] Lemay is a 1953 graduate of Baltimore City College in Baltimore, Maryland. Lemay is also a graduate of the University of Maryland, where he also earned his master's degree, and obtained his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania.

Lemay was selected by Library of America to edit two of its selections on Franklin. His edition of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, co-edited with Paul Zall, is generally recognized as the most authoritative.

In the 1990s, he put up the first substantial web resource to share with Franklin scholars and biographers in "Benjamin Franklin: A Documentary History." [ [http://www.english.udel.edu/lemay/franklin/ Benjamin Franklin: A Documentary History - J.A. Leo Lemay ] ]

The Documentary History was preparation for arguably his greatest investigation, a projected seven-volume biography of Franklin. Two of the volumes were published in 2006, by the University of Pennsylvania Press, in time for Franklin's Tercentennial.

The American Historical Review (Feb. 2007) called his first two volumes, "a labor of love balanced by thoughtful criticism. There is nothing like it." [ [http://www.historycooperative.org/cgi-bin/justtop.cgi?act=justtop&url=http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/112.1/br_30.html | Book Review | The American Historical Review, 112.1 | The History Cooperative ] ]

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